
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth
Gorgeous tube by Alex Prihodko! I paired her with a scrap kit by Dees'Sign Depot called, Peace on Earth. This is my first tag for this holiday season. I am trying to get into a wintery holiday mood, but I am failing. It may take a bit longer to get my "muse" going...I keep resorting to gothic inspirations and the lovely steampunk. Never fear, it will hit me with a sledge hammer before Christmas Eve...I promise!

I have been watching quite a bit of television lately, with all the political hearings and Disney+ making its debut all at once.  Has anyone watched the new Star Wars series, The Mandalorian?  Well, I will leave my thoughts about it for another time.  The new HBO series, "His Dark Materials" has promise, but I am hearing noises about it not taking "Game of Thrones" place.  It really shouldn't, its a book onto itself. So far, the show reminds me of another movie based on the books. Remember "The Golden Compass"?  Same book, different title. 

This is going to be a difficult week for me...I will share the details as they occur.

Enjoy a peaceful day....🍁

Current Mood: 😢

Tube: "Lyndsay" by ©Alex Prihodko
Scrap Kit: Peace on Earth by Dees'Sign Depot