Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

If you want to go all out before Lent, you need to be celebrating Mardi Gras.  The whole idea is to let loose before the start of abstaining from all vices during the season of Lent.  The word Mardi Gras is french and means "Fat Tuesday", and the celebration involves drinking, eating and revivalry, often to excess.🎉

I haven't had the chance to experience Mardi Gras, perhaps I should put it on my bucket list.  Many moons ago when I was younger and well before Katrina did her damage,  I got the chance to visit New Orleans and visited all the usual tourist sites, including a steam boat trip up the Mississippi River. My favorite memory is of the French Quarter, admiring all the old, quaint and beautiful buildings as I traveled by horse led cart, drink in hand.  The best part of New Orleans is sampling the cuisine, reflecting the city's Cajun, Creole, and French roots. I swear I gained 10 pounds on that trip!!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Sweetest Thing

The Sweetest Thing

"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all". - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Photo Credit: The Sweetest Thing by ©Monika Luniak

Friday, January 25, 2019

Sweet Indulgence

Sweet Indulgence
The last weekend of January is upon us. Our thoughts are already focused on the next holiday arriving shortly, Valentine's Day. The dictionary defines the holiday as "a time to celebrate romantic love with greetings and gifts".

When I was a little girl, my dad always gave me a small bottle of cologne on Valentine's Day, a thoughtful and loving gesture. It's a memory I cherish that made such a lasting impression, I give gifts of love to my own daughters on this day.

Valentine's Day is just another opportunity to express what is in our heart for a loved one. Despite the "romantic couple" inference, the day can be spent in celebration of a deep and abiding love for a life partner, family or a close friend.

By the way, love shouldn't be limited to only one day of the year. Take time to tell that special someone everyday, "I love you". 💖

Tube "Brandy" by ©Zlata_m
Scrap Kit "Vintage Elegance" by Pink Paradox Productions

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

By The Light of The Moon

By The Light of The Moon
.“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” – Lemony Snicket

I am and always have been, an avid reader. 

During the day, I spend a lot of time reading newspaper articles, news magazines and non-fiction books about history, criminology and politics. Since I retired, my appetite for current news events and politics grew into a feeding frenzy.  So much so, that I wake up early to quickly scan my Twitter feed while listening to the morning news.  For the record,  my Twitter feed is usually crawling with reporters and political strategists, so I am checking to see if there is anything newsworthy to read with my morning coffee.

Ahhh...but my night is left to enjoy the stories of pure fiction and fantasy.  I don't like a diet of  heavy reading before bed.  I want to relax my mind and body; forget about the troubles or news of the day. A good book should take me to other worlds, other times and introduce me to fascinating characters.  I thoroughly enjoy stories of magic, dragons, knights, midnight rituals, vampires, witches and warlocks, spies, international intrigue, terrors of the night, monsters of the mind, romance, sexy steamy interludes, the rule of law...and subsequent order. The short list of authors I enjoy today:  Stephen King, Anne Rice, Jim Butcher, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, Deborah Harkness, Dean Koontz, John Grisham, David Baldacci, George RR Martin, JR Ward and Nora Roberts. 

Everyone is at a loss for time to do recreational reading. A full time job takes most of their energy and not much is left to delve into a story.  So, books become more of a bother than a delight.  We will see the movie whenever it comes out rather than read the book first. Sadly, this used to be me, before I retired. Oh,  I made an effort because I love to read, but usually I would fall asleep with my book falling to the floor, followed by my reading glasses. It took me forever to finish a book. At this time in my life, I devour books.

Nothing expands the imagination more than a wonderful story that you can get thoroughly lost in. 😎

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Push Me

Push Me
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough. ~ Richard M. DeVos

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Night Shade

Night Shade

This is something entirely different on my part.  A mix of colors and shades, just experimenting with the use of palettes!  This was also my first try at using overlays. I just love how this all came together. 

I have been stumped for a while, my "muse" decided to take a little break.  I hate when that happens as I feel I have lost something.  Perhaps it's just me, but I feel an attachment to the canvas and when I stare at a blank one with no inspiration, it bums me out terribly and I often get cross and crabby. 😮 Anyone else have that problem from time to time?  Anyway, it was a short vacation for my muse. 

It is Sunday, start of a new week, lets make it a great one. ðŸ˜Ž

Tube: Moonlight_Elf  by ©verymany

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ghosts and Dreams

My Lost Love

“We're all ghosts. We all carry, inside us, people who came before us.” 
― Liam Callanan, The Cloud Atlas

Do ghosts haunt us...or perhaps we do the haunting? Is it a dream that we have after losing a loved one or an actual visitation? On the evening my mother suddenly passed away, I dreamed she came to visit me to say goodbye.  I woke up to knocking on my door with the news she was gone.  Did she really visit me through my dreams or was it just my heart saying goodbye without knowledge of her recent death?  I can't answer these questions.

A few months ago, I had a another dream about my mother that was so surreal, down to the scent of her favorite perfume.   

The dream started out very realistically... I was reading in bed, a little frustrated at the progress I was making on the book, blaming the author for writing pages and pages totally irrelevant to the plot.  Hearing the doorknob turn, I glanced up as the door to my bedroom opened.  Naturally, I expected to see my daughter wishing me a goodnight, but was pleasantly surprised to see my mother.  A quick thought flashed in my mind, "impossible...she has been gone for a long time", which was just as promptly dismissed.  Sitting on the edge of my bed, with the scent of "Estee Lauder's Beautiful" filling the air, she asks me how I am doing.  Just the scent caused my heart to start thumping wildly in my chest.  

Now, not to add too much to this tale, I had been carrying a heavy load of anger about the way things were going in my life and was actively praying to find some peace of mind.  To be honest, I did miss my mother and being unable to talk to her.  Is that why my mind brought her to back to life?  

I immediately began listing all my issues in a very short burst of consciousness.   Her response was  another smile that brought a quiet calm and warmth that encompassed my entire body. I achieved a few moments of peace. Did I imagine that smile or just remembered it?  I am not sure.  Her voice was like soothing balm over a burning wound as she commisserated.  Suddenly, I was startled by her question.  She was asking me to start attending church once again.    

Going to church had always been a topic of dissention between us.  I am of the opinion that God is everywhere.  I believed if I prayed at home, the good lord would listen.  If I rode my horse out into the far reaches of the desert and talked to God all the way, he would listen.  My mother always stressed that the only place one could speak to God was in his house.  My reply, "I don't understand. How will going to church solve anything mom?"  

She reached out her hand and covered mine and I shivered. Her hand felt as cold as ice and the chill startled me into an awareness that this had to be a dream. Once again, my mind rejected the thought.  Whether it was a dream or not, the distraction of the cold hand seemed to signal a time of withdrawal. She released my hand, stood up and walked to the door.  Turning, she whispered, "If you do not want to go back to church, I understand. Will you think about doing it for me? I cannot go in my present state."  With that she quietly left, leaving her scent behind and the door slightly ajar.  I could feel my heart breaking as she departed.  "Nooooooo mama... come back and give me a chance to tell you about all the wonderful things that have happened since you left."  

I woke up wheezing...trying to catch my breath, noticing the door to my room was slightly open. 

Needless to say, at my mother's request,  I have been attending Sunday church service.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2019



We're gonna dance like nobody's watching
Dance like nobody cares 

Nikola Paryla / Andreas Grass

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Winter Magic

Winter Magic

Absolutely stunning tube by Alex Prihodko! I had to have her the moment I saw her.  Sometime's I feel that I miss playing paper dolls.  😂  I used to take the old Sear's catalog and cut out my "ladies", complete with family, settling them into various cut out rooms from the home style section. This would keep me occupied for hours at a time. The same thing happens when I create a tag, hours pass by so quickly I often don't realize how late it is and reluctantly put my work aside for another day.

Some evenings it takes me a long time to get a picture just the way I see it in my mind's eye.  I started this particular tag and ripped it up so many times I  lost count before it was done to my satisfaction. I am my own worst critic!

I got my car fixed, embarrassed that it was only a small clip that had dropped underneath and allowed the strap to fall.  I was in and out of the dealer in less than 5 minutes.  All the way there I fretted about how I was going to explain without sounding like it was a national emergency.  I shouldn't have worried, the advisor took one look and told me "happens all the time". Ah well, live and learn.  I won't worry so much about the bottom falling out of my car if it happens again.

Tube: "Winter's_Magic" by ©Alex Prihodko
Scrap Kit: "Winter's Memory" by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask:  DD_WinterMask_10 by Dangerously Delicious Dezigns
Animation by Simone

Saturday, January 12, 2019



I have always loved Jennifer Janesko's artwork.  I would often display various paintings of hers as my avatar in yahoo chat, many moons ago. For this tag, I used her "Breakfast in Bed" pencil drawing which can be purchased at Creative Design Outlet.

The weather is turning blustery once again. What happened to our balmy Arizona winters?  I love it when its around 70 with blue skies.  Lately, it hasn't gone much above 55 around here and its been mostly cloudy.  I know I can hear the people back east going, heat wave!  That irritates me since my blood is so thin, 55 equals 15 degrees for me in comparison.  😂

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hush of Winter

Hush of Winter

Beautiful snow falling on a stunningly gorgeous angel and her wolf. I fell in love with this picture after seeing it on Dragonfly's blog that I followed her tutorial. This was such fun to create!   If you watch the snow falling for more than a minute, you get this wonderfully calm feeling.

Celebrated my daughter's birthday a bit early last night. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I remember bringing her home on a snowy January morning.  She has grown to be a beautiful woman, inside and out. 

My car decided it needed some of my attention and dropped a plastic strap...have no idea what it was attached to under the car. Called Nissan and of course, they wanted me to come in two weeks from now.  I asked the advisor, what if the strap snaps off if I accidently bounce over a speed bump? He said "oh...bring it in Monday morning...we will look at it, probably needs to be clipped back into place.." DUH!  Sometimes I wonder about people's intelligence level.  If I wanted to wait two weeks, all I would have to do is schedule it online.  🙄

Don't even start me on what's going on nationally.  I am now a candidate for blood pressure medication. 😂

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby It's Cold Outside

This is actually a picture I created early last year, following a tutorial by Marleschka.  It was fun to do, but I never really explored too deeply this style. Since all this hoopla with the song, I figured it was time to share. 

Its a new year...I want to explore other styles and designs. Ideas keep crowding my head and I need to sort them all out.  Ever feel you are standing on the edge and looking either down or ....up? I guess I'll find out which direction I will take eventually. 

Weather has been cold and damp, playing havoc with my arthritis.  I can't even get out of bed without taking an anti-inflammatory. Fingers aren't too nimble its taking me longer to finish a piece of work. Kinda makes me long for the hot days of summer!! 😎

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

We are officially into the new year! How is it going so far?  Are those resolutions being reconsidered? Good luck in keeping to the plan!

I didn't make any resolutions this year, since I always throw them out the window in a matter of weeks.  Perhaps I should have gone ahead and thoughtfully laid out a plan for a "new me". This time it may have worked out differently!  Always optimistic!

Well it snowed here a couple of is absolutely frigid for the desert. Highs the last few days have lingered between 20 to 35 degrees.  Perfect weather for a sleigh ride...just need a few more inches of snow and a layer of ice!!  Of course, I settled for hot tea and bundled blankets. 😉