Saturday, June 29, 2019

Debate or Food Fight?

Alice in Wonderland

Like most political junkies, I watched both nights of debates.  I did have four favorites and of course, was interested in seeing how well they would perform against the other candidates.

On the first night, the candidates took a cautious approach, with no mention of Trump. The moderators tried to stir up a fight, but the bait wasn't taken.  The only fireworks (if one could call it that) were between JuliΓ‘n Castro and Beto O'Rourke over immigration policies. I must agree with the New York Times:  JuliΓ‘n Castro excelled, Elizabeth Warren went from big factor at first to non-factor at times, Cory Booker and Beto O’Rourke spoke the most but didn’t create any memorable moments.  I stayed up way past my bedtime watching the political analysis and wound up dragging through Thursday. 

The second night was an unbelievable total disaster. This wasn't a debate, it was more of...what did one candidate say?..."a food fight". Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders came into the debate at the top of polls, but both of them fell down the proverbial ladder as Kamala Harris dominated the entire debate. Bernie Sanders was on repeat; I wondered if it was 2016 all over again. Joe Biden got dragged through the political muddy waters of his past history.  Pete Buttigieg struggled and fell on his sword of humility over his recent problems in South Bend.  This night's debate was a shouting and cross-talk match as everyone struggled to be heard.  I was pitying the moderators who continually tried to regain control.  Once more, I lost sleep and dragged myself to Tucson early yesterday to take Hannah to the groomer and do some shopping for my trip to Las Cruces next Friday.  

Seriously? Are we living in the past or looking forward to the future?  Do we have to drag up old news from over 30 years ago in order to win a debate?  I do not want to watch candidates attack each other like rabid dogs.  I just want someone to tell me how they are going to defeat Trump! Is that too much to ask??

My choices didn't even make the grade in my mind, a pitiful poor performance which signaled a lack of preparation.  If you cannot handle Warren or Harris, how are you going to handle Trump??

The September debate will be here before we know it. Hopefully, the field will be small enough to have just ONE NIGHT of debate.


Current Mood: πŸ€”

Alice in Wonderland courtesy of Disney

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Star Struck

Star Struck

Had another spark of creativity! Sometimes they hit out of the blue....usually just before I fall asleep.

I am prepared for the mean the democratic debates. I made sure to have popcorn and wine available! It should be an interesting show, since there will be 10 people on a stage, who only have a short amount of time to present their policies and discuss key issues with the others.

I imagine Warren (as the front runner) will take over the whole show, as she is quite the character and always has "a plan for that". 😏  Ok, so I have two favorites in tonight's debate. Tomorrow night I have two more favorites as well. I am not sharing their names since I am sure someone will want to tell me how "wrong" my choices are.

So let's have the best candidates survive to go forward and fight for the nomination next year!!! That's correct, we have a whole year to go through this several times until the field of 24 whittles down to a handful. Right now it's just a wild horse race. πŸ‘€

Current Mood: 😏

Tube: Paulina by ©Alex Prihodko
Scrap Kit: "Star Celebration" by Pink Paradox Production

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Passage

The Passage

A little behind in my review of this book.  I finished it several weeks ago, but got distracted by other life happenings.  So here goes...😎

This book was a recommendation from a friend and at first glance I was dissuaded by its length. This book is over 800 pages long!  However, I took the plunge and started to read...and read...and! I couldn't put it down!! It's the most gripping and entertaining story I have read in a long time!!

The book is about the apocalypse, it’s the end of the world as we know it.  Military scientists try to refine a virus that holds the potential to cure all disease, but unfortunately turns humans into bloodthirsty vampires. The test subjects escape, of which twelve were former prisoners on death row, with the exception of one special little girl named Amy.  Yes, there are quite a few horrifying moments, but I wouldn't call it a horror book. Actually, I would classify it as more of a sci/fi fantasy about people, who they are and the journeys they take to survive.

I must admit, Cronin has a writing style that entrances the reader. Characters arcs are built so we really do care about what happens to each of them. It was one of the biggest reasons that kept me from putting the book down. I kept saying to myself, "one more more page...".  I lost a lot of sleep while reading this book and obviously can't wait to get my hands on the second one.  I am hoping it is as deliciously devouring as the first!

Oh, by the way, about halfway through the book, we find out that Amy is....approximately 100 years old. πŸ˜²

Highly recommend this book, if you enjoy science fiction fantasies...

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😊

Friday, June 21, 2019

Medieval Fantasy

Medieval Fantasy

Spent a few days playing with colors, textures and creating new artwork. Whenever I work on a piece, I get so relaxed and forget all about time passing. Works better than my anxiety medication! I just adore this tube by ©Laguna. To create the scene  I used a wonderful scrap kit by Pink Paradox Productions. 

Today I went into Tucson to get my hair colored.  Amazing how fast the strands of gray bloom! My hairdresser suggested going a step lighter than my usual warm brown.  I must admit to being a bit hesitant.  She assured me it would not be a drastic color change, so I agreed as long as it's a subtle change...never know how hubby is going to react.  Well, as usual she was right and I am so glad I decided to go ahead. I love the soft highlights of gold shimmering within the light brown color.  Oh hair is shorter too. Complete do-over from color to style!  Now if only I could get it to look this way everyday.

Pouring another glass of wine as I relax to watch "The Handmaid's Tale" on Hulu.  Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😊

Tube: Fairy Girl and Unicorn by ©Laguna
Scrap Kit: Medieval Fantasy 1 & 2 by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask: Mask_DFly_0031 by Vivienne's Paintbox

Monday, June 17, 2019

New York, New York

Park Avenue Looking South, NYC

While purging my photos yesterday, I came across this picture, remembering when I would take the train from Yonkers, New York into Manhattan at Grand Central Station.  Those trips were approximately 40 minutes, unless you happened to catch a train that made several stops along the way.  This early morning commute of mine started back in 1970, right after high school graduation! At that time, my office was located further along Park Avenue, right at 32nd Street.  It was a nice brisk walk from Grand Central, approximately 10 blocks.  I always enjoyed walking, even in inclement weather. The trip went by various consulate offices, coffee shops and taverns. If I happened to glance behind me, my eyes would behold the view in the picture above.  Especially in early morning or just before dusk, the view was quite breathtaking.   

I always found working in NYC exciting! New York City is home to Times Square, Broadway and the theater district.  It is the place where fashion statements are created and thrust into the world. There is beautiful Central Park, countless museums and amazing restaurantsMacy's, Bloomingdales, Gimbels and all the department stores were only a few minutes' walk away from the office. It was a magical time when their windows were dressed up for the Christmas holidays. There is still the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and the ball that drops in Times Square every New Year's Eve!  

I had hundreds of boutiques to wander through on my lunch hour, where I could sample a new perfume, play with makeup, buy a new outfit or gaze longingly at beautiful strands of gold in the windows of Tiffany's! One of my favorite past times to do while window shopping?  Purchasing a bag of hot chestnuts on a chilly day or picking up a hot dog for a quick lunch…all from vendors on almost every street corner.  I really, really miss those days. 

I credit New York City into molding me in ways I never really noticed until I moved to Arizona.  It embeds a sense of sophistication into a person that touches every aspect of your life. 

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: πŸ€”

Park Avenue Looking South NYC by New-York-Obsession

Friday, June 14, 2019

In The Midst of Dreams

In The Midst of Dreams

My daughter and I were discussing our dreams the other day.  I asked her if she knew what my dream meant, since it was a recurrent one.  She wasn't sure, but thought it might be that I was searching for an answer.  

In the dream I have gone grocery shopping. Upon leaving the store, I begin walking to my car, pushing a heavy cart in front of me. I suddenly realize my car is not in the space where I had parked it.  Twisting my head left and right, I begin a search, leaving the cart behind, worried my car has been stolen! So off I go, frantically clicking the fancy key fob that is supposed to pinpoint my car with supreme accuracy, and I still cannot locate my car. Now the dream goes dark...the moon is starting to rise slowly in the dusky night sky. I only want desperately to go home! Frustration and fear is eating at me as I turn around to head back to the store for assistance, only to find its closing, rather quickly too. The sudden disappearance of the lights from the store and parking lot fills me with such sorrow and despair, tears start flowing.  At this point I wake up, taking deep breaths, happy to discover it's just a dream.  Ever have a dream similar to my own?

Bothered by the fact that I have had this dream several times lately and could not figure out what I may be searching for, I went online and did some research. 

This is what I found regarding my dream:
Losing your car may mean you are losing your motivation or are feeling directionless, not knowing which road to take. Losing your vehicle in a dream is all about anxiety and uncertainty. The vehicle in a dream represents your ego, your sense of self, your orientation of your sense of self. Your trying to find your vehicle is your way of trying to come back to yourself, your normal oriented self.
This explanation was particularly interesting. I do feel directionless and quite lost. Is this a result of retirement?  I don't think it is serious. Lately, motivation has been an elusive butterfly.  I feel like I am waiting for something to happen so I can plan where I am going or what I am going to do.  I am just sitting this out, doing only the things that I must and avoiding everything else.  Add to the fact, my creative spark, which  I always rely on to clear the cobwebs, seems to be hiding, peeking out only on occasion. It's not necessarily a search, more of a period of restless waiting. Hopefully, resolution will occur soon. 😐

Returning to the subject of dreams, there is so much content on their relevance, that I selectively picked a few that were also dreams of mine, at one time or another.  Maybe you will find your latest dream or nightmare on the list:

  • Cemetery dreams indicate sadness or unresolved grief.

  • Dreaming of chocolate symbolizes the need to be rewarded or deserving of special treatment.

  • Cakes signify a time of rejoicing or celebration.

  • Standing on a cliff represents living on the edge or being afraid of failure.

  • Going up a mountain represents working hard, overcoming obstacles, and rising above petty, everyday quarrels. Descending a mountain can symbolize taking a step back from something or someone

  • Dreams of water often symbolize the unconscious...for instance, dreams of drowning represent being overwhelmed with current issues.

  • Being totally naked in your dream suggests exposure of self to others, being vulnerable or feeling ashamed.  It can also represent a desire for freedom or being unencumbered.    

  • To see your mother or father is associated with a desire for change, a new path to take place in your life. It also provides a feeling of satisfaction and peace to your inner mind. 

  • Falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life.

  • Flying represents a sense of freedom. Dreams of flying serve as a sort of escape from the pressures of the real world (which is represented by the ground).

How about dreaming you are late for that chemistry test?? Well, it just means you are worried you will be late for that chemistry test.😎

Cheers!! 🍷

Current Mood: πŸ˜„

Image by Livisilva

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Lady Hawk

Lady Hawk
Yeah, I am a news junkie! I read more newspapers/magazines than I really should, which has literally driven my husband to think I am now certifiable. πŸ˜‚  So, ok...more to the point, the news I have been reading centers on each 2020 presidential candidate. Whew!! Let's be honest, it is totally impossible to keep track of each person's policy or lack thereof. Actually, since the Republicans hold the Senate, policy doesn't mean very much to me. McConnell has already promised no newly elected Democratic President will get anything passed legislatively. By the way, that includes Warren and all her "I have a plan for that" ideas. All those wonderful policy plans will go die in the Senate. On that note, I narrowed the field down to following just six designated survivors, based on whether they can beat Trump. Well, of course, I could be wrong about all of them!  πŸ˜‚

Don't Democrats think having 24 people to consider is just a bit much? The media loves it, can't you tell? πŸ‘€

Finalized plans to head to Las Cruces, New Mexico after the 4th of July holiday to spend time with my family. Since I can't drive that long distance on my own, my daughter will be accompanying me on the 5 hour car trip. (No worries, it's all about my eyes.) The last time I saw my nieces was in May 2015. At that time they were teens. What really astounds me is one is now college bound! It will be so good to see them again, as well as my brother and sister-in-law. Hoping my sister will be able to make it as well.  It would make for a wonderful family reunion. Crosses fingers!

Gorgeous tube by Alehandra Vanhek! I couldn't resist the purchase! I used a scrap kit I have had for a long time by one of my favorite kit makers Pink Paradox Productions.  It's filled with dark and gothic elements, perfect for my mood!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: πŸ˜„

Tube: Lady_and_Hawk by ©Alehandra Vanhek
Scrap Kit: Shadow Princess by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask: Mask_Vivieene_0063 by Dragonfly

Friday, June 7, 2019


What does having an attitude mean? According to Merriam-Webster, "attitude" is a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by something or someone.  That could be anyone or anything which affects the start of your day...or abruptly ends it.

I can safely say that waking up to the national news greatly affects my day.  It depends...seriously...on what I see first, when I become fully conscious.  Sooooo...just hope I don't wake up seeing our wacky president trying to give a campaign rally speech while talking to the press. My attitude goes into a negative reaction in zero to 60 seconds. The only good thing about having that particular early morning reaction is that I get a lot of cleaning done. πŸ˜„

In today's world, "attitude" is somewhere between having a belief, taking a stance, or being in a mood. A person who has an "attitude" about someone or something will find it hard to change, since they have convinced themselves they are right and everyone else is wrong.  Truth doesn't change, just a person's conception of the truth based on their attitude. Remember that when everyone is yelling "Fake News!"
"When someone shows you who they are believe them, the first time." ~ Maya Angelou
Just something to think about while enjoying your weekend. By the way, I am in a good mood today...can you guess why?

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😊

Tube: "Angie" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: "Star Celebration" by Pink Paradox Production

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Believe in Tomorrow

Believe in Tomorrow
Enjoyed creating this still reflects my current mood, a bit dark and gothic. I really can't say my outlook is totally dark!  Well, just a twinge of darkness  I always look forward to a new day...a tomorrow filled with hope that things will change, everything will get better. A new day, a new start.
Ok, I admit, my dreams sometimes make me wonder.

The beautiful tube I used was found on the internet. I have no idea who the artist is...and believe me, I spent hours trying to find out.  It was titled "Red Goth Lady".  If you happen to recognize her and the artist, please leave me a message so I can give credit.

I haven't been very active on FB lately. I quickly go through the thousand and one posts, get tired and give up.  I am totally frustrated with all of the changes FB keeps making on a daily basis and I really hate the new reaction buttons.  Where I used to be able to find my family and friends (usually the first posts I used to see when I logged in),  I now have to scroll through so many damn ads or group postings from suggested groups, (that I don't want to see or join), that by the time I see their posts, a few days have gone by and I am late to the party again. Some days I get lucky and I see the post as soon as they post it. FB miracles do exist. 

FB has assisted with my settings, but keeps admonishing me about doing games and quizzes as they screw up everything. What? I don't think that's true.  FB told me last year that my data had been stolen by Russian hacking due to a quiz I participated in.  Remember sending me that freaking message FB? So...I don't do quizzes, play any games or click on anything that looks suspicious. Why not try fixing your platform??  Wait!!  I have another question. Why does FB continue to offer third party apps that obviously track everyone's life?  God forbid I accidently click on a picture...I am all thumbs at times...suddenly I am bombarded on my timeline with ads for shoes, event tickets or soft bed sheets...good lord! Offer me something I might a dragon!! 

Its true...I am tired of trying to find everyone I follow. They get lost among the constant posting by groups, event alerts, news media and other crap that continually fills up my timeline. Maybe...just maybe...if I clean house on the groups I do timeline will be easier to scroll through. It's worth a try....see I always try to look on the bright side! (I honestly didn't mean to rant, but oh's my blog.) πŸ˜„

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: πŸ˜’

Tube: Red Goth Lady by Unknown
Scrap Kit: "Magic of Chichi-1 by Gothic Inspirations
Mask: Mask_0013_DFly by Dragonfly

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Gentleman Jack

Gentleman Jack
Ok, since Game of Thrones is over and while I am waiting patiently for Season 2 of  "Big Little Lies", I started watching "Gentleman Jack".  Mainly, I was curious as how the show would portray Anne Lister's diary of naughty encounters. I normally enjoy historical dramas, but was disappointed with HBO’s "Gentleman Jack". The show felt a bit off to me. I have watched six of the eight episodes and yes, I know I should wait until the end of the run to make a comment. Two more episodes remain.  Actually, I am not sure I want to continue at this point.

The story is based on the diaries of a real person (Anne Lister), who was outspoken, opinionated and brash. Her style of dress is hardly what you’d call traditional, and her preference for romantic attachments with women was something of an open secret amongst almost everyone that knew her.  Her diaries are indeed invaluable resources and rare historical documents of what it meant to be a gay woman living in the 19th century. The more explicit sexual details in the dairy were written in code, which were eventually decoded in 1988. 

However, the HBO series focuses on a timeframe in the 1830s dominated by Lister (Suranne Jones) returning to her family home in Yorkshire and setting her sights on nervous heiress Ann Walker (Sophie Rundle) as a companion. After taking tea with an obviously depressed Ann Walker, she resolves to take Ann as her wife. The story moves on to a level of provocative seduction, along with thoughtful discussions about what being intimate to them truly means. Ok...this is where the show backs down from exploring Anne's thoughts, feelings and inner struggles. Instead we are treated to the actress (Suranne Jones), constantly narrating directly to the camera from the dairies. Rest assured, there are no explicit love scenes. (Sorry for those who are hoping for some steamy lovemaking between two women.)

Taken from her writings, Lister is an exceptionally strong woman. She battled against every restriction set upon her by society. Since she was forbidden to attend a university, she decided to pursue her medical studies independently. Described as having a "masculine appearance", she preferably dressed entirely in black. She also took part in many activities that were not perceived as the norm for a gentlewoman of birth.

In theory, Lister’s indomitability makes her the perfect candidate for dramatization. In practice, though, something’s missing from the narrative. Hello HBO...this is the 1800's...she is a lesbian. It's strange that it takes three episodes for someone to openly insult Lister for her appearance and style of dress. Stranger still that everyone feels shocked when it happens.  Also, Lister's family seems broadly accepting of her sexual preferences (highly doubtful). Everyday servants are also in acceptance? At least the show remembers Halifax is not they insert some gossipy neighbors, anonymous warnings and judgmental workers who all comment on Lister's lifestyle choices. Yes, she is bold, aggressive and she charges forth to pursue the objects of her desires.  However, in reality she was restrained by strict morality of the times. How about the fact she proclaimed homosexuality between males was immoral, but not between females? Lister was a very religious person, so far this has been pretty much overlooked in the series. 

Anne Lister's character was made into a modern day HBO heroine transposed into a conventional costume drama. The beautiful scenery, rolling green fields with factory smokestacks and Lister's frock coat, a man's hat, along with a jaunty walk make for an interesting depiction of 19th-century Yorkshire society. Of course, let's not forget the series has all those lovely ladies with loose blonde ringlets wearing silk colorful gowns, withdrawing to sunlit drawing rooms for a spot of tea, in which to enjoy the gossip of the day.

I just might continue to watch for the scenery alone....cheers!🍷

Photo courtesy of HBO