Saturday, June 29, 2019

Debate or Food Fight?

Alice in Wonderland

Like most political junkies, I watched both nights of debates.  I did have four favorites and of course, was interested in seeing how well they would perform against the other candidates.

On the first night, the candidates took a cautious approach, with no mention of Trump. The moderators tried to stir up a fight, but the bait wasn't taken.  The only fireworks (if one could call it that) were between Julián Castro and Beto O'Rourke over immigration policies. I must agree with the New York Times:  Julián Castro excelled, Elizabeth Warren went from big factor at first to non-factor at times, Cory Booker and Beto O’Rourke spoke the most but didn’t create any memorable moments.  I stayed up way past my bedtime watching the political analysis and wound up dragging through Thursday. 

The second night was an unbelievable total disaster. This wasn't a debate, it was more of...what did one candidate say?..."a food fight". Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders came into the debate at the top of polls, but both of them fell down the proverbial ladder as Kamala Harris dominated the entire debate. Bernie Sanders was on repeat; I wondered if it was 2016 all over again. Joe Biden got dragged through the political muddy waters of his past history.  Pete Buttigieg struggled and fell on his sword of humility over his recent problems in South Bend.  This night's debate was a shouting and cross-talk match as everyone struggled to be heard.  I was pitying the moderators who continually tried to regain control.  Once more, I lost sleep and dragged myself to Tucson early yesterday to take Hannah to the groomer and do some shopping for my trip to Las Cruces next Friday.  

Seriously? Are we living in the past or looking forward to the future?  Do we have to drag up old news from over 30 years ago in order to win a debate?  I do not want to watch candidates attack each other like rabid dogs.  I just want someone to tell me how they are going to defeat Trump! Is that too much to ask??

My choices didn't even make the grade in my mind, a pitiful poor performance which signaled a lack of preparation.  If you cannot handle Warren or Harris, how are you going to handle Trump??

The September debate will be here before we know it. Hopefully, the field will be small enough to have just ONE NIGHT of debate.


Current Mood: 🤔

Alice in Wonderland courtesy of Disney