Monday, June 17, 2019

New York, New York

Park Avenue Looking South, NYC

While purging my photos yesterday, I came across this picture, remembering when I would take the train from Yonkers, New York into Manhattan at Grand Central Station.  Those trips were approximately 40 minutes, unless you happened to catch a train that made several stops along the way.  This early morning commute of mine started back in 1970, right after high school graduation! At that time, my office was located further along Park Avenue, right at 32nd Street.  It was a nice brisk walk from Grand Central, approximately 10 blocks.  I always enjoyed walking, even in inclement weather. The trip went by various consulate offices, coffee shops and taverns. If I happened to glance behind me, my eyes would behold the view in the picture above.  Especially in early morning or just before dusk, the view was quite breathtaking.   

I always found working in NYC exciting! New York City is home to Times Square, Broadway and the theater district.  It is the place where fashion statements are created and thrust into the world. There is beautiful Central Park, countless museums and amazing restaurantsMacy's, Bloomingdales, Gimbels and all the department stores were only a few minutes' walk away from the office. It was a magical time when their windows were dressed up for the Christmas holidays. There is still the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and the ball that drops in Times Square every New Year's Eve!  

I had hundreds of boutiques to wander through on my lunch hour, where I could sample a new perfume, play with makeup, buy a new outfit or gaze longingly at beautiful strands of gold in the windows of Tiffany's! One of my favorite past times to do while window shopping?  Purchasing a bag of hot chestnuts on a chilly day or picking up a hot dog for a quick lunch…all from vendors on almost every street corner.  I really, really miss those days. 

I credit New York City into molding me in ways I never really noticed until I moved to Arizona.  It embeds a sense of sophistication into a person that touches every aspect of your life. 

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 🤔

Park Avenue Looking South NYC by New-York-Obsession