Monday, September 30, 2019

Incubus Dreams

Incubus Dreams

“Sometimes you fight what you are, and sometimes you give in to it. And some nights you just don’t want to fight yourself anymore, so you pick someone else to fight.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, Incubus Dreams

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Astral Sabbat

Astral Sabbat
"Enter the astral sabbat
Drown into the void
Succumb to the Omega
Under all seeing eyes..."

The  Astral Sabbat is associated with the worship of the god of witches, Baphomet,  the face of witchcraft and black magic; a dark, foreboding figure, one synonymous with that Judeo/Christian miscreant called “Satan”. But, in truth, Baphomet can represent the accomplishment of reaching the “Higher Self”. This pagan god in effect, rules over the astral witch world or dream state. Those who are sensitive to the keys which unlock this world, can enter the realm and return with the knowledge and inspiration to give force to the magic of witchcraft upon earth.

On the good side of an Astral Sabbat, you can shapeshift at will, fly, practice vampirism or do just about anything that you wish. While in the astral witch world, if you happen to call upon a particular spirit, they can teach you even more in the ways of magic and spiritual practices. You may even bring home a companion...a familiar to assist you in your witchy-ways!

Spooky right?  Well it is that time of the year....enjoy the chills down your spine....💀

Current Mood: 😁

Tube: Astral Sabbat by ©Enys Guerrero
Scrap Kit: The Touch of Red, Black and Gold by Graphics of Fantasy
Mask: Mask_Viv_0036 by Vivienne's Paintbox

Friday, September 27, 2019

Hello Autumn

Hello Autumn

Just adore this halloween cat by Kajenna...I have used this tube for several autumn tags and have never been disappointed with the results.  This tag is by far, my favorite autumn picture of the many I have made for the last three years. 

I am still battling Facebook.  I don't see everyone's posts and as much as I enjoy scrolling (haha), they need to do something about group and individual posts.  I see mainly group posts....very few individual posts.  Often they show up on my timeline several days after they have been posted.  Talk about being late for the party.  I guess old news is better than no news.  And yes, I do use the "Most Recent" tab to see the latest...ummm...well, they are always group posts. Rather frustrating to say the least. I have a feeling Facebook is going to a more socialized setup, leaving individual's to swim upstream or join/create a group or page. 

Countdown to Halloween!!! I am working on a new Halloween theme for my blog.  Stay tuned as I plan to unveil it very soon. 

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😔

Tube: "Pumpkin Time" by ©Kajenna
Scrap Kit: Autumn Day by Scrap and Tubes
Mask: DD_FallMask_6 by Dangerous;y Delicious Designz

Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn Moon

Autumn Moon

  by: D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)
And who has seen the moon, who has not seen
Her rise from out the chamber of the deep,
Flushed and grand and naked, as from the chamber
Of finished bridegroom, seen her rise and throw
Confession of delight upon the wave,
Littering the waves with her own superscription
Of bliss, till all her lambent beauty shakes toward us
Spread out and known at last, and we are sure
That beauty is a thing beyond the grave,
That perfect, bright experience never falls
To nothingness, and time will dim the moon
Sooner than our full consummation here
In this odd life will tarnish or pass away.


One of my favorite D.H. Lawrence poems that goes well with the lovely and very sexy tube by Barbara Jensen.

First day of fall and we were told by the weather service, it would rain.  Alas, they were wrong here in San Manuel. Maybe tomorrow?  One can only hope!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

Tube: Orange Sunshine Exclusive by ©Barbara Jensen
Scrap Kit: Secret Spells by Tiny Turtle Designs
Mask: 4hwmask2 by Fecnikek

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Halloween Enchantress

Halloween Enchantress
 I had fun creating this tag, using a tutorial by "Lynx the Minx".  It's an easy tutorial and the nicest thing is....everything is free to use! Check out the credits below to find the goodies. I added a few elements to make this tag my own...hope you enjoy it!

Taking it easy again this weekend. I did work in the garden for awhile, pulling weeds and getting rid of the bermuda grass that grows everywhere, except where you want it.  My mums are getting big and full of buds...just waiting for the cooler weather so they can open. My greatest success is my lantana...its spreading and hopefully, will soon choke out the grass/weeds.  Indoors, my gardenia is getting way too big, but I can never get that sucker to grow outdoors.  It will need another planter soon and my anthurium is heavenly...beautiful red flowers...just hope it blooms again at Christmas. Crosses fingers!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

FTU Tube: Halloween Enchantress by Uihere
FTU Scrap Kit: Born to Fly by Horseplays Pasture Designs
Tutorial: Born to Fly by Lynx The Minx 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Autumn Beauty

Autumn Beauty
Autumn is almost upon us! Before you know it, Christmas will be here...well ok, it's some odd 99 days away.  Still can't believe how fast time is flying. I am getting older by the minute!! 😉

Two tests down with normal results...still have lightheadedness, shortness of breath and feeling "out of it" at times.  I am hoping there is some reason why this is happening besides hearing "its all in my head" crap. I am fully aware stress can throw you for a loop as well, but seriously?  There are times when just bending over causes a bout of lightheadedness.

Well, enough of my health issues.  I am going to see the doctor before my trip back east.  Hopefully, there will be some resolution. 

My hubby and I will be traveling to Arlington, VA next month.  Normally, we visit in September, but with all these hurricanes, we pushed it forward a few weeks. The hurricane season will be over by the time we arrive.  This is a beautiful time of the year to visit Virginia...with fall leaves and crisp autumn air!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😉

Tube:"Autumnal_Bunch" by ©Stella Felice Art
Scrap Kit: Boo Night by Bella Caribena

Monday, September 16, 2019

Black Rose

Black Rose
It was in my flaws,
I found a much deeper truth--
and it is from them,
I bloom a black rose.
~Segovia Amil

Everyone makes mistakes, the trick is to grow in wisdom from them.  Why? In order not to make the same mistake twice. I am hard-headed, takes me longer to learn the lesson. 

Current Mood: 😞

Scrap Kit: "Black Rose" by Gothic Inspirations
Mask: Mask_DFly_0020 by Vivienne's Paintbox

Friday, September 13, 2019



"Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

Beautiful tube by Enys Guerrero...a favorite of mine. Enys paintings are heavily influenced by the Renaissance and Victorian age, usually depicting fantasy, inevitable tragedy, deep passions, and emotional suffering.

I hope you enjoy my use of her tube in this tag!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😔

Tube: "Damaged" by ©Enys Guerrero
Scrap Kit: Asylum by ie Zombie Graphics

Monday, September 9, 2019

Steam Heat

Steam Heat
Gorgeous sexy steampunk tube by Verymany! She is paired with the matching scrap kit "Sweet Steam" by Bella Caribena. I enjoyed creating this tag very much! It took me several hours to get the look I wanted...or until I was satisfied with the results.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I didn't do very much, just rested and watched movies. I read a bit, right now I am deeply into the second book of the series, "The Twelve" by Justin Cronin.  It's pretty good, although I have to admit it's not as much as a page-turner as the first book of the series.  I enjoy the story, but I tend to put it down more than I did the first book.

On Saturday I accompanied my hubby on his trip to Sonora Quest for a lab test.  This is going to be another week of doctor visits for us both.  It seems when you get older, the majority of your "trips to the big city" are health related Ugh! Hell to get old...😔.  The good news is I usually get to go out to breakfast or indulge in a late lunch!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

Tube: Steampunk_28 by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: Sweet Steam by Bella Caribena
Mask:  Mask_Vivienne_0066 by Vivienne's Paintbox

Friday, September 6, 2019

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

Barbara Jensen created a tube worthy of Lara Croft and a great addition to my collection! I paired her with a matching kit by Pink Paradox Productions.  I think it came out rather nice! Love the dragon in this kit!

Finally got my MCOT Patch and I am walking around with it attached to my chest...not uncomfortable at all.  My problem is carrying around the monitor! I always carry my phone, now I have a new toy to keep on me at all times. Funny how when you need pockets, you wear outfits that don't have any. The phones are vying for space in my purse...LOL! Ah well, we shall see how this goes.

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😐

Scrap Kit: Forlorn Fantasy by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask: Mask_Vivienne_0065 by Vivienne's Paintbox

Tuesday, September 3, 2019



Gorgeous tube by Verymany and perfect for the last blazing days of summer.  It's finally the "ber" months! Before you know it, Christmas will be upon us.  Ok, I'm pushing it a little. Just glad autumn makes her debut this month.  I am hoping for a dip in temperatures, but I am sure it will be like every other year here in southern Arizona, a chill won't show up until around Halloween.

A busy month ahead...cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

Tube: "Blaze" by ©VeryMany
Scrap Kit: "Antique Autumn" by Pink Paradox Productions