Saturday, September 21, 2019

Halloween Enchantress

Halloween Enchantress
 I had fun creating this tag, using a tutorial by "Lynx the Minx".  It's an easy tutorial and the nicest thing is....everything is free to use! Check out the credits below to find the goodies. I added a few elements to make this tag my own...hope you enjoy it!

Taking it easy again this weekend. I did work in the garden for awhile, pulling weeds and getting rid of the bermuda grass that grows everywhere, except where you want it.  My mums are getting big and full of buds...just waiting for the cooler weather so they can open. My greatest success is my lantana...its spreading and hopefully, will soon choke out the grass/weeds.  Indoors, my gardenia is getting way too big, but I can never get that sucker to grow outdoors.  It will need another planter soon and my anthurium is heavenly...beautiful red flowers...just hope it blooms again at Christmas. Crosses fingers!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

FTU Tube: Halloween Enchantress by Uihere
FTU Scrap Kit: Born to Fly by Horseplays Pasture Designs
Tutorial: Born to Fly by Lynx The Minx