Friday, May 29, 2020

Captured With Love

So after a few days of resting my knees, I managed to start walking around again...a little painful, so I do take my time.  The problem? I only manage a half mile, but I do admit its better than just sitting. The nasty scrapes are healing nicely.😊

While I was "sitting around" I did manage to create a few tags. The above tag was made following a  tutorial. This tutorial provided something new to learn. If you take a close look at the mirrored frames, you will see a textured blind effect.  Now I know how to do it using PSP9. Thanks Viv! 

I am so excited!!!  Tomorrow I am going to the breeder's home to select and bring home my new puppy.  We have been preparing all week for the arrival of our newest member of the family. Now we are wondering how our cat "Skittles" is going to react to his new house mate. My girls are asking us to take a video of Skittles being introduced to the puppy. This task has been assigned to hubby. Let's hope he remembers how to use his phone to record. Better yet, let's hope he remembers to do it!  In my opinion, I don't think Skittles will be upset. He's a pretty laid back fella who has been missing the furry companions he lost.  Crossing fingers though, after all...he is a cat.   

I still haven't named my puppy. I like to have the puppy settle in, get comfy and relax so I can see what their personality is like before naming them. Sometimes a name will come to mind that's totally different than the one's I selected in advance. Here is my first list of names...Elsa, Emma, Freya,  Heidi, Gypsy, Roxie, Sascha and Stella.  Never fear..just in case none of those fit, there is a second list!😎

Hopefully, pictures will be posted tomorrow on Facebook. I think its going to be a long, but totally fun filled day. The puppy and I will undoubtedly be exhausted... 🐾.

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Passionate by Karmalized Scraps
Mask: Mask 347 & Mask 321 by Mizteeques

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Talk about Freaky Fridays!  On Friday I had a painting fall on my head while I was vacuuming the living area.  Just literally fell off the wall and slammed into the left side of my head. I now have a bump. Ugh!  

Not to be undone...but Thursday wasn't so great either.  On Thursday night I slipped and slid off the porch, scraping the back of my foot. 

Does this mean I am accident prone?

Uh...wait...the worst was Saturday afternoon. While coming back from picking up the mail, my ankle gave out, making me lose balance and slam down to my knees.  On the cement stairway, leading to the front door..and getting a nasty scrape, along with joint pain that brought tears to my eyes.  Luckily, no broken bones.  

Guess I am not concentrating on what I am doing. I need to focus more more and stop moving around like I am a 30 year old.  Really feeling all the bruises today.  

By this time next week I will have a new member of the family! I am very excited!! This morning the breeder sent the last pictures of the female puppies.  It's going to be hard to decide when I actually get to meet them. I know I have some idea which one I would like, but in reality, it may turn out differently as I see them all in action. 

Taking it easy today...going to watch High Town on Starz and maybe a movie.  I did watch Joker last night...very dark psychological drama. Quite intense...I can see how it won Best Picture. 

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: "Fall Tempest" by Tiny Turtle Designs


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Westworld Season 3 Review


Two years has passed since we watched Delores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) leave the Westworld Park with a bag of 5 pearls.  The biggest question at that time was…"who did she bring out to the real world"?  Welcome to Westworld…The New World…the one inhabited by humans and overseen by an all seeing A.I. called "Rehoboam".

This season left behind the western saga we grew to love and feel comfortable with, even through the blood shedding and chaos.  Now we are dropped into futuristic cityscapes, of which I must admit, were absolutely breathtaking to behold.  In the future mankind has done wonders…flying transportation, amazing new drugs, medical miracles, and robotics. Sex is open, wild and everything paid for with a swipe of your thumb.  Technological advancements the like of which most of us will never see and all for...what?  Basically, man has been enslaved. All your dreams and aspirations have been taken from you by an app. The elites have won the battle and the essentials are only worker bees, being lowest on the economic rung.

We now have a man-made God (Rehoboam) who decides your fate, all without your knowledge or permission. Death of "free will"…but hey, take solace in Delores's words, “Free will does exist. It's just fucking hard.”  I find inspiration in other ways…"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades". 😎

Into this world Delores ventures, not as herself, but as a replication of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson).  The very first thing Charlotte does is create a new host, Delores. Confused already? 

Now human Charlotte happens to be the acting CEO of Delos, the corporation which runs Westworld Park. Least we forget, we are reminded that human Charlotte was killed by Dolores in Season 2.  Host Charlotte (Delores) is really running Delos.  Let's just call host Charlotte, Delores-Charlotte or DC for short, shall we?

DC has been tasked with taking the company private, using money siphoned off various shareholders by Delores.  The privatization of Delos is being done to thwart a takeover attempt by Incite, the company which keeps Rehobaum in its lobby and is owned by Serac.  Of course, the plan to keep Delos away from Serac fails. 

Second step of the plan begins with Delores creating another host, to help her get close to Rehoboam (Incite).  We are fooled into thinking this new host is Teddy (holy smokes it's a MAN!!), but nope…only another version of Delores. We can call her Delores2.  Delores2 manipulates the software in Rehoboam to notify everyone in the world what "God" has planned for them…their entire future appears on their mobile phones. Upon seeing their fate, people become engulfed in fear and despair…throwing the world into chaos.  Yup, there is rioting and looting in the streets. The world goes up in flames. 

As the show rolls along, we find that two other versions of Delores are created who assist with distributing more conflict and confusion into an already panicked world. In addition, we also find out that Bernard/Arnold has been created to counter-balance whatever Delores has planned. Bernard happens to be her "voice of reason".  Basically, Bernard is wasted in this season, stumbling around with Stubbs, trying to figure out what Dolores is actually up to. (Sigh) 

So the major mystery of last season....(who was taken out of the park) finally solved, approximately halfway through the season.  Ok…enough of that.  It was a major disappointment to me. I am sure Delores figured she had a job to do. Who better than herself to trust to get it done?

Going back to DC who begins to unravel…literally and figuratively...because of her own body's objections to what she is doing. (I can't explain that one.) We are reminded that human Charlotte has a family and this weighs heavily on host DC.  Delores keeps reminding DC that it is not really her family…since she is a host and not human.  Unfortunately, DC  chooses Charlotte's family in a marked betrayal of Delores who had planned that all versions of herself were…expendable. After DC's "family" is killed in an explosion, she makes plans to do things "her own way". This decision takes her into direct conflict with Delores's objectives.  Fast forwarding to the finale, we find DC with a huge number of host building machines at her disposal and an evil look in her eye. That's all I am going to reveal about the final episode. 

I must mention a few others who were also in this season:

  •  Caleb (Aaron Paul} basically follows Delores around like a puppy. He was really the new "Teddy". 

  • Maeve (Thandie Newton) felt stuck in a continual Westworld loop, a theme park simulation of Nazi soldiers occupying France. She was occasionally sent out by Serac to fight Dolores. Her story line was short, It was as if she was just waiting for Delores to finish or flesh out her story, before her own takes flight. Hopefully, she gets a better story line in Season 4.

  • The Man in Black (Ed Harris) spends most of his time in a state of despair/guilt...drinking and talking to his dead daughter. With the help of Bernard he breaks out of a holding facility and begins his journey to destroy all the hosts.  He is going to save the world. DUH! In truth, for the entire show, we wondered whether he was human or host. (I'll leave it as something you can continue to mull over). 

With society collapsing, nuclear war inevitable, the world dying around their ears; we see Mauve talking to Caleb in the closing moments of the season about the new world coming. We are left wondering  what Season 4 will bring.  More major global conflict or will there be a fresh start and where?  Will mankind succumb to being hosts? Living forever has been a subtle theme of this show over the last three seasons. 

Yes, I left out the actual ending. Yes, I did it on purpose.  There are several post-credit scenes that leave more unanswered questions about everyone's fate.  Westworld 3 was short by 2 hours…maybe there was a reason the post-credits were added. 

Actually, Maeve sums it all up nicely…."in this world, we can be whoever we fucking want".

Enjoy and cheers!🍷

Monday, May 18, 2020

Summer Lolita

The above tag was created while playing around with an old scrap kit that I always liked, but haven't used in quite a while. I think it came out nice. 

Today I received a free tube and scrap kit, along with a tutorial (they must know my muse is taking a which really energized me to create something. Thank you once again to Barbara Jensen for the freebies...the tube is adorable and the kit is damn cute...will work on it later this week. 

To keep my mind engaged and in a thinking mode, I am writing up my own thoughts on Westworld Season 3, which ended two weeks ago. Most of the reviews I have read have completely ripped apart the story line. I am of a different opinion. Just setting down all my impressions and realized I have a lot to say...which I will edit in the next few days. That means another blog post is cooking on the back burner. 

Amazingly, I won another author's giveaway! YAY ME!! The book is by a favorite author of mine...John Grisham, called Camino Island written back in 2017. I don't know how I missed this book when it came out but I love his books..mystery, money, mayhem, sometimes murder...and the law. A really good mix that keeps me up late at night fighting sleep to finish a chapter. This book is not as long as many of his other books (290 pages) and it seems to me, this was a promotional giveaway so we can purchase the second book of the series, Camino Winds, which was released April 2020.  

My pile of "to read" books keeps growing.  I am still working through Stephen King's "It"...should be finished with it....oh...maybe before Halloween! HA! Damn scary book!

Have a great week! Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Summer Lolita by Amy Marie
Mask: Mask_DFly_0017 by Dragonfly

Friday, May 15, 2020

How Was Your Year?

I must admit. This has been a "shitty" year so far. I wish it was over already. Two bouts of a mysterious flu or bronchitis, this fighting for toilet paper and food, now its a meat shortage. Nothing open for over a month...then all these protests about wearing face masks and social distancing. The world is being torn apart and I am totally fed up. What is wrong with people today? 

The last two days have been especially exhausting....first visiting the doctor on Wednesday. I have been experiencing some shortness of breath when I go walking.  It hampers my pushing to get to the 1.25 mile. I start off fine and wind up gasping for air in a short 20 minute stretch.  In addition, I often have chest tightness and the rescue inhaler wasn't doing a 100% job in alleviating the issue.  A doctor visit was in order.  My doctor gave me the bad news that my blood pressure is up, weight is up and after listening to my lungs, said she heard fluid. She thinks I may have gotten long term issues after the two bouts of flu? or bronchitis?...not sure what it was...and sent me to NWMC for a lung x-ray and lab tests. She also loaded me up with antibiotics, cough suppressants and steroids.  Ugh..not a fan of the steroids.  As to doctor orders, she wants me to stay home as much as possible as I am immune compromised. Go out only for essentials or arrange for them to be delivered. 😔 Anyway, that took up most of Wednesday morning.

My Wednesday afternoon appointment was at the car dealer for my car's 6 month checkup. My car and I have checkup's at the same time. Imagine my surprise when I dropped it off and was told it would not be ready until Friday! Normally, its done within an hour. Gah!! Another recall that would require extensive testing of the transmission and power train. Good news? They extended the warranty and provided me with a free loaner to get home in.  

By the time I left Tucson I had a raging headache! So off to bed I went and I only took the antibiotic she prescribed, the rest I left to take first thing in the morning.  

Thursday it was hubby's turn to go to the dentist.  It was a nice drive, except the steroids played on me, making me a bit hyper and anxious. We got take out at Firebird's and went home.  I was again exhausted. This is not like me at all. While I can blame the steroids for the hypersensitivity, the exhaustion is purely on me. Again, I went to lay down after arriving home.

On to usual hubby takes his time getting out of the house so we left late.🙄 We had to drop off the loaner car and pick up my own. I got so anxious with his driving and asking twenty million times how to get to the Service Center that after getting gas, I took over driving.  It was a much quieter ride after that. The car is fine, some updates to the computer and they also performed the oil, lube, filter and rotation of tires. I really love their service center...with the extension of my warranty, no charges and a free car wash to boot! 

To be honest, after experiencing the real world these last two days I don't want to go out. Aside from healthcare workers and the people who serviced my one was wearing masks or practicing social distancing. It's as if the virus has left Tucson and everyone is out and about. Traffic is horrible!! There are still quite a few snowbirds in many out of state plates I kept thinking its October!

Aside from another lab test on the 20th and picking up my puppy on the 30th, I will be staying home, praying for everyone who has to venture out in this scary world. 

Oh, hubby restocked my wine! 🍷

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

More Puppy Pictures!



Latest puppy pictures!! Which one is your favorite?  I want them all! 🤣😂  Seriously, they are all adorable and anyone of them would be welcome in my home.  They are growing so fast...weight is between 5 to 7 lbs...with the males of course being the bulkier pups.  One of the pups (Green Girl) has already lifted her such a young age! Normally, German Shepherds take between 2 mo to 7 mo to lift their ears.  Hannah lifted hers at 4 mo. The breeder still has not picked her female pup, so I am still waiting to see which female pups will be left.  

Beautiful day here, a bit breezy.  It is my day off from walking, doing chores will take the place of the mile I manage to do.  Still don't feel well enough to push myself further.  Everything in time!

I hope you enjoy the puppy pics! Cheers! 🍷

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sassy Twist

It's been a very busy week! I like busy, time passes quickly.  We are still staying home, staying safe and being strong.  This week will be the first time I will be getting out of the house and into Tucson, on my own. Looking forward to the drive in...haven't driven in almost two months! I hope I haven't forgotten!! 🤣

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. My Mother's Day was wonderful. My girls brought me flowers and lovely cards, a necklace and a squishy stuffed horse. Just having them both home to share a great dinner meant a lot to me. ❤

Hopefully, now that hubby is retired, I will be able to create more tags. My muse is not peeking out much these days.  I have been a bit depressed for the last week and started spacing out Facebook and Twitter. So far I have noticed a positive difference in how I am feeling. There is just too much political negativity these days lurking in both social media venue's. I am just glad that I don't watch the news as much as I did before too.  Re-watching "The Soprano's" and "Westworld"...keeping up with all the movies on Netflix and the latest Star War's movie on Disney+... (gee, I saw that in January 2020 before I got sick) makes me forget about all the craziness in this world today. 

When I logged into Blogger today, I got a pleasant surprise. Google has very busy updating the Blogger platform. I must say it is a refreshing overhaul, but will take some getting used to.  I may just have to blog a bit more!  Actually, the layout looks like my One Note program now.  That might make it kind of a way.  

I should be getting some updated pictures of the puppies today! YAY!  Amazing how fast they are growing!  They are now 5 weeks old!  I recently bought quite a few items...puppy pads, collars, treats and I was surprised at how quickly they are being shipped. That saves me from going to PetSmart and braving the crowds.  All I need now is a bed and some toys! I am waiting for feeding details so I can continue the diet the breeder started them on. I should get that when I pick up my new baby! 😊

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit "Vintage in Autumn by Bella Carbena

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Steamin Along

We made it to May!! Hope everyone is healthy and doing well. We are hanging in there...hopefully we will be able to get out more as Arizona slowly opens up. Not planning on anything important or anywhere in particular...just nice to know we can move about a bit more easily. 

My main thing right now is getting to PetSmart to get some new toys, chews and treats for my new puppy! I need a new bed and of course, some food (waiting to hear from the breeder on that) and collars, both flea/tick and pretty leather ones.  I am more than likely to go with a harness...worry about straining a new puppy's neck.  The collar is for taking cute pictures! I know we can purchase online, but I love shopping for dog/cat stuff in the store.  I do use the online and home delivery for repeat orders. I will admit to being a

This is hubby's last week of work...Friday it's finally over for him. He is a bit apprehensive about retiring at this time. Who knew a pandemic was going to hit?  I told him it will take time to adjust to not working.  Took me I have to adjust to him being home.  I am hopeful it will all work out.

One nice thing about his retiring...I get my laptop back. I miss creating tags when the urge hits me.

Stay safe! Cheers! 🍷

Tube: "Steampunk_32" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: "Steam Fantasy" by Bella Caribeña
Mask: Mask_311 by Mizteeques Digital Designs
Background Tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox