Thursday, May 21, 2020

Westworld Season 3 Review


Two years has passed since we watched Delores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) leave the Westworld Park with a bag of 5 pearls.  The biggest question at that time was…"who did she bring out to the real world"?  Welcome to Westworld…The New World…the one inhabited by humans and overseen by an all seeing A.I. called "Rehoboam".

This season left behind the western saga we grew to love and feel comfortable with, even through the blood shedding and chaos.  Now we are dropped into futuristic cityscapes, of which I must admit, were absolutely breathtaking to behold.  In the future mankind has done wonders…flying transportation, amazing new drugs, medical miracles, and robotics. Sex is open, wild and everything paid for with a swipe of your thumb.  Technological advancements the like of which most of us will never see and all for...what?  Basically, man has been enslaved. All your dreams and aspirations have been taken from you by an app. The elites have won the battle and the essentials are only worker bees, being lowest on the economic rung.

We now have a man-made God (Rehoboam) who decides your fate, all without your knowledge or permission. Death of "free will"…but hey, take solace in Delores's words, “Free will does exist. It's just fucking hard.”  I find inspiration in other ways…"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades". 😎

Into this world Delores ventures, not as herself, but as a replication of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson).  The very first thing Charlotte does is create a new host, Delores. Confused already? 

Now human Charlotte happens to be the acting CEO of Delos, the corporation which runs Westworld Park. Least we forget, we are reminded that human Charlotte was killed by Dolores in Season 2.  Host Charlotte (Delores) is really running Delos.  Let's just call host Charlotte, Delores-Charlotte or DC for short, shall we?

DC has been tasked with taking the company private, using money siphoned off various shareholders by Delores.  The privatization of Delos is being done to thwart a takeover attempt by Incite, the company which keeps Rehobaum in its lobby and is owned by Serac.  Of course, the plan to keep Delos away from Serac fails. 

Second step of the plan begins with Delores creating another host, to help her get close to Rehoboam (Incite).  We are fooled into thinking this new host is Teddy (holy smokes it's a MAN!!), but nope…only another version of Delores. We can call her Delores2.  Delores2 manipulates the software in Rehoboam to notify everyone in the world what "God" has planned for them…their entire future appears on their mobile phones. Upon seeing their fate, people become engulfed in fear and despair…throwing the world into chaos.  Yup, there is rioting and looting in the streets. The world goes up in flames. 

As the show rolls along, we find that two other versions of Delores are created who assist with distributing more conflict and confusion into an already panicked world. In addition, we also find out that Bernard/Arnold has been created to counter-balance whatever Delores has planned. Bernard happens to be her "voice of reason".  Basically, Bernard is wasted in this season, stumbling around with Stubbs, trying to figure out what Dolores is actually up to. (Sigh) 

So the major mystery of last season....(who was taken out of the park) finally solved, approximately halfway through the season.  Ok…enough of that.  It was a major disappointment to me. I am sure Delores figured she had a job to do. Who better than herself to trust to get it done?

Going back to DC who begins to unravel…literally and figuratively...because of her own body's objections to what she is doing. (I can't explain that one.) We are reminded that human Charlotte has a family and this weighs heavily on host DC.  Delores keeps reminding DC that it is not really her family…since she is a host and not human.  Unfortunately, DC  chooses Charlotte's family in a marked betrayal of Delores who had planned that all versions of herself were…expendable. After DC's "family" is killed in an explosion, she makes plans to do things "her own way". This decision takes her into direct conflict with Delores's objectives.  Fast forwarding to the finale, we find DC with a huge number of host building machines at her disposal and an evil look in her eye. That's all I am going to reveal about the final episode. 

I must mention a few others who were also in this season:

  •  Caleb (Aaron Paul} basically follows Delores around like a puppy. He was really the new "Teddy". 

  • Maeve (Thandie Newton) felt stuck in a continual Westworld loop, a theme park simulation of Nazi soldiers occupying France. She was occasionally sent out by Serac to fight Dolores. Her story line was short, It was as if she was just waiting for Delores to finish or flesh out her story, before her own takes flight. Hopefully, she gets a better story line in Season 4.

  • The Man in Black (Ed Harris) spends most of his time in a state of despair/guilt...drinking and talking to his dead daughter. With the help of Bernard he breaks out of a holding facility and begins his journey to destroy all the hosts.  He is going to save the world. DUH! In truth, for the entire show, we wondered whether he was human or host. (I'll leave it as something you can continue to mull over). 

With society collapsing, nuclear war inevitable, the world dying around their ears; we see Mauve talking to Caleb in the closing moments of the season about the new world coming. We are left wondering  what Season 4 will bring.  More major global conflict or will there be a fresh start and where?  Will mankind succumb to being hosts? Living forever has been a subtle theme of this show over the last three seasons. 

Yes, I left out the actual ending. Yes, I did it on purpose.  There are several post-credit scenes that leave more unanswered questions about everyone's fate.  Westworld 3 was short by 2 hours…maybe there was a reason the post-credits were added. 

Actually, Maeve sums it all up nicely…."in this world, we can be whoever we fucking want".

Enjoy and cheers!🍷