Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Beautiful Steam

When you buy a piece of vintage clothing you're not just buying the fabric and thread - you're buying a piece of someone's past. - Isabel Wolff


Tube: "Steampunk39" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: "Stean or Vintage" by Bella Carbena
Mask: Mask_DFly 32 by Vivienne's Paintbox


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Steamy Desires

“Darkness is your cloak. Fear is your ally. Wickedness is your manna.”
― Stephen Hunt, The Court of the Air


Tube: "Off Limits" by ©Barbara Jensen
Scrap Kit: "Desires of Steam" by Bella Carbena


Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Leave my loneliness unbroken… —Anon 


Tube: "Raven and the Moon" by ©Goldwasser
Scrap Kit: "Raven and the Moom by Creative Disorder