Friday, January 25, 2019

Sweet Indulgence

Sweet Indulgence
The last weekend of January is upon us. Our thoughts are already focused on the next holiday arriving shortly, Valentine's Day. The dictionary defines the holiday as "a time to celebrate romantic love with greetings and gifts".

When I was a little girl, my dad always gave me a small bottle of cologne on Valentine's Day, a thoughtful and loving gesture. It's a memory I cherish that made such a lasting impression, I give gifts of love to my own daughters on this day.

Valentine's Day is just another opportunity to express what is in our heart for a loved one. Despite the "romantic couple" inference, the day can be spent in celebration of a deep and abiding love for a life partner, family or a close friend.

By the way, love shouldn't be limited to only one day of the year. Take time to tell that special someone everyday, "I love you". 💖

Tube "Brandy" by ©Zlata_m
Scrap Kit "Vintage Elegance" by Pink Paradox Productions