Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams
Fell in love with this tube by Andreea Cernestean!  Beautifully dark, forbidden...the part of your dreams that you fear, yet love.  I paired her with a wonderful kit by Gothic Inspirations titled "The Invitation".  The picture's theme is gothic, but for some reason my mood in the last few weeks has turned in this direction. The brick background was created with the help from a tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox. Always learning something new!

I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day! I relaxed, enjoyed myself and did finish another picture which I will share later this month. I spent quite a bit of time reading as always.  Almost finished with "The Passage", which I really devoured quickly!! Great book!!  I will be ordering the rest of the trilogy soon. 

I recently won a publisher giveaway for Nora Roberts's new book, "Under Currents". In exchange for getting the book free, I am asked to give a review.  I am very excited about doing that!

Finally getting closer to Phoenix Fan Fusion and soooooo looking forward to getting out of San Manuel for a little trip with my oldest.  Lately, I have been feeling trapped, wanting to travel...yet, I worry about spending too much money. Still, I want to get out. I actually dream about flying to places unknown...silly me!  It doesn't make sense logically for me to feel this way, but I do. I have been checking flights to Washington DC, San Diego, El Paso and Albuquerque. I envy people who just buy a ticket and take off to wherever they desire. Has anyone seen the price of airline flights these days?? It's a WTF moment!!! 🤔

Cheers! 🍷

Tube: 49-1 by ©Andreea Cernestean
Scrap Kit: "The Invitation" by Gothic Inspirations
Mask: Mask_Viv_0038 by Dragonfly