Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Autumn Passions

Autumn Passions

Enjoyed creating this tag using the lovely new tube by Verymany, "Cozy Evening".  I paired her with the matching scrap kit, "Autumn Passions".  Love the rich autumn colors in this kit!

Busy week with a birthday coming up quick to celebrate, doctor visits and getting ready for a trip back to Arlington, Virginia.  Hoping for a break from all this running around, but I doubt it.  On top of everything, my daughter's truck decides to give her trouble.  Like that saying, "its always something".  Normally, I would give her my car to use until her truck is back on the road.  I guess we will have to work out how to get everywhere I have to be and her as well.  I think it's time to start looking for another vehicle for her.

Taking deep breaths...mutters under my breath and starts working on another tag to control the frustration building.

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 🙄

Tube: "Cozy Evening" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: Autumn Passions by Doodle by Design