Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A Trump 4th of July

Sparkler 4th of July

I don't know about everyone else, but I am not feeling very celebratory about our national holiday, the 4th of July.  Normally, it’s a holiday that I look forward to…BBQ, beer, fireworks and sometimes a heavy thunderstorm to break the heat of the afternoon. We used to have such great celebrations in this small town when the mines were up and running…now it's just another day off…much like a Saturday or Sunday.  Adding to my sadness and slightly depressive attitude is the fact that our current wacko President has decided to make the holiday all about himself. 

I try not to write about politics. I truly do bite my tongue many times and turn the other cheek.  Facebook turns me off enough with all the right wing people on my timeline. (After all, Arizona is a red state.)  However, this has really irked me to no end.  Forgive my temper, but...hey! Its my blog right? 

Each year Washington, DC celebrates the Fourth of July with a bang. I should know, it happens to be a place I am very familiar with, as well as New York City.   Along with viewing the dynamic fireworks show on the National Mall, attending the free "A Capitol Fourth" concert, watching the National Independence Day parade along Constitution Avenue or getting dinner before/after the fireworks at Georgetown waterfront restaurants, the Fourth in DC is always a wonderful and memorable experience!! 

Except for this year….this year we have TANKS! This is the very first time in history that tanks have ever crossed the Potomac!!  Everyone is worried the bridges (especially the Arlington Bridge) and roads will not be able to hold the weight of the tanks. On top of that, he's turning a non-political holiday into a campaign rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial FFS! Of course, due to his highness's event, the launch site for the DC fireworks show was moved from the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial to West Potomac Park, along the Potomac River. 😐

I read in The Post, "canceling a planned rest, the Navy's elite air show squadron the Blue Angels will do a flyover precisely the moment Trump takes the stage! They'll be joined by other aircraft, including the helicopter and 737 that transport the President and are known as Marine One and Air Force One when he is aboard."  Talk about making an flamboyant entrance! 

This shameful display, complete with a campaign rally, will be paid with OUR tax dollars!! The whole thing is going to cost taxpayers $92 million, $80 million more than estimated, even with the free fireworks. Even the National Park Service had to divert $2.5 million in fees which they badly needed to improve parks around the country, due to neglect and vandalism caused by Trump's government shutdown earlier this year. 

Historians tell us that this is what "authoritarian nationalists" do.  As Harvard’s Jill Lepore puts it, they replace history with tried-and-true fictions — false tales of national decline at the hands of invented threats, melded to fictitious stories of renewed national greatness, engineered by the leader himself, who is both author of the fiction and its mythic hero  

Folks…this isn't about patriotism, it's all about politics.  In reality it’s a disgusting display of military might dedicated to a narcissistic and authoritarian nationalist, Donald J Trump. At its worst, it is a disgraceful abuse of power.

Trump has gone and taken the 4th of July away from me.  I will not watch if this tyrannical show gets televised.  Every day, more chaos, disruption, distraction and for me, total frustration.  What's left for him to destroy?  As Rick Wilson said, "everything Trump touches….dies...".

Please dear Lord...let it thunderstorm on Trump's parade. 🙏

Rant over...I need a drink...🍸

Current Mood: 😢 
