Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Steampunk Era

Crazy heat has us all sheltering in the house. So we spend time in different rooms so we feel that we went somewhere or did something.  I am really and truly tired. I think everybody is at this point. Taking vitamins by the handfuls so I don't get sick. 

The heat has even gotten to the puppy, she's cranky, irritable and tends to the zoomies. I am exhausted with her boundless energy and my depleted one. One day she will settle down...who said raising a puppy was fun?  Her greatest accomplishment is she is finally potty trained...until she see's Ashley then she pee's in a ring of excitement around her. Thank god its been outside and not in the house! 😂

I had some quiet time today to create a tag...enjoy!🍸

Scrap Kit: The Steampunk Era by Bella Carbena
Mask: Vivienne_0066 by Dragonfly