Thursday, July 23, 2020

Just Junk

Another week has gone by...almost August and we are still keeping safe...staying home. I am so tired of it, but I really don't have much of a choice.  I would really love to go out to dinner without wearing a mask or worrying about being close to any one.  Ugh! When will this nightmare be over?

I took Heidi to the vet on Tuesday...she is growing so fast! This visit was for her last series of shots and a quick exam. She is now up to 29 pounds, but I swear she is heavier.  I can hardly pick her up...gone is the little puppy.  Heidi will be 4 months old on Saturday! I guess I should be happy that time is moving quicker than I feel it. To me...a week feels like a month.

Heidi is napping so its time to work on another picture.  The above one was done several days ago...just love steampunk! I think I am going to start working on some fall tags...Halloween anyone? Let's see what I can come up with this year. 😉

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Steamed Junk by Mizteeques Digital Designs
Mask: Mask_007_DFly by Dragonfly