Friday, July 17, 2020

Pink Elegance

Another week has gone by and we made it to the middle of July. The pandemic is getting worse instead of better and I am scared to venture anywhere.  Apparently, COVID is everywhere.  Too scared to even go to a doctor/dentist...that's coming up in August.  

Vet visit next week...its curbside so we don't have much contact...but it is still scary.  Hubby and I have Wednesday dates to Walmart for grocery pick up and then to Burger King take out...too funny! These trips to Tucson are short, but sweet.  I will go by myself next week...I'll be a big girl! LMAO!

Anyway...aside from staying inside, walking in my backyard, playing with the puppy and teaching her how to behave like a lady...very little else.  I haven't been reading much...eyes are too tired at the end of the day, so I am still working on "IT" page by page when possible.  Think I am on page 690 of over 1000 pages...might be finished by Christmas! 

I am in a Barbara Jensen mood, love her beautiful ladies all of them.  Enjoy!

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Vintage Elegance by Pink Paradox Productions