Thursday, July 30, 2020

Summer Morning


Just love this...very proud of how the whole picture came out.  Amazing how you can create such beautiful pictures with a simple scrap kit and a tube.  

Hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe.  It's been quiet in my house...the dog provides all the excitement and sometimes tries everyone's patience.  She is growing fast, but her mind is still in puppyland. She seems to enjoy taunting my husband...the one with the least amount of  He was always at work when we had all the other puppies in our home, so this is his first time being around 24/7 with an active pup.  He is always swearing Heidi will give him a heart attack...geez.  

Oh well, she will grow up in mind before you know it  I am listening to her snore while I work on another picture.  At this time I also enjoy a glass of wine...cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: "Summer Morning" by DSD
Mask: RD_731  by Rachel's Designs

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Just Junk

Another week has gone by...almost August and we are still keeping safe...staying home. I am so tired of it, but I really don't have much of a choice.  I would really love to go out to dinner without wearing a mask or worrying about being close to any one.  Ugh! When will this nightmare be over?

I took Heidi to the vet on Tuesday...she is growing so fast! This visit was for her last series of shots and a quick exam. She is now up to 29 pounds, but I swear she is heavier.  I can hardly pick her up...gone is the little puppy.  Heidi will be 4 months old on Saturday! I guess I should be happy that time is moving quicker than I feel it. To me...a week feels like a month.

Heidi is napping so its time to work on another picture.  The above one was done several days ago...just love steampunk! I think I am going to start working on some fall tags...Halloween anyone? Let's see what I can come up with this year. 😉

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Steamed Junk by Mizteeques Digital Designs
Mask: Mask_007_DFly by Dragonfly

Friday, July 17, 2020

Pink Elegance

Another week has gone by and we made it to the middle of July. The pandemic is getting worse instead of better and I am scared to venture anywhere.  Apparently, COVID is everywhere.  Too scared to even go to a doctor/dentist...that's coming up in August.  

Vet visit next week...its curbside so we don't have much contact...but it is still scary.  Hubby and I have Wednesday dates to Walmart for grocery pick up and then to Burger King take out...too funny! These trips to Tucson are short, but sweet.  I will go by myself next week...I'll be a big girl! LMAO!

Anyway...aside from staying inside, walking in my backyard, playing with the puppy and teaching her how to behave like a lady...very little else.  I haven't been reading much...eyes are too tired at the end of the day, so I am still working on "IT" page by page when possible.  Think I am on page 690 of over 1000 pages...might be finished by Christmas! 

I am in a Barbara Jensen mood, love her beautiful ladies all of them.  Enjoy!

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: Vintage Elegance by Pink Paradox Productions

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Steampunk Era

Crazy heat has us all sheltering in the house. So we spend time in different rooms so we feel that we went somewhere or did something.  I am really and truly tired. I think everybody is at this point. Taking vitamins by the handfuls so I don't get sick. 

The heat has even gotten to the puppy, she's cranky, irritable and tends to the zoomies. I am exhausted with her boundless energy and my depleted one. One day she will settle down...who said raising a puppy was fun?  Her greatest accomplishment is she is finally potty trained...until she see's Ashley then she pee's in a ring of excitement around her. Thank god its been outside and not in the house! 😂

I had some quiet time today to create a tag...enjoy!🍸

Scrap Kit: The Steampunk Era by Bella Carbena
Mask: Vivienne_0066 by Dragonfly

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July 2020

Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday!!!!

Scrapkit "U.S.A. by Persia Designs
Mask: Miz_Mask_081 by Mizteeques Designs