Friday, August 9, 2019

Whimsical Wishes

Whimsical Wishes

Ready for some good news? For the last few days, my "muse" finally made a welcome return! Every night I have been filled with ideas on what to create.  So far, I have completed four tags, one wallpaper (which I haven't tackled in ages), and two Facebook timelines. Sometimes life stifles the creative spirit within, so I am hoping nothing happens to cause my muse to disappear again!

The beautiful tube above was purchased quite a while ago, but again…never had a specific theme in mind in which to utilize her  The picture above is just one of the four tags which just "popped" into my head. Amazingly, this tube fit perfectly into the theme.   

Cheers!!! 🍷

Current Mood: 😃

Tube:"Wind" by ©Alex Prihodko 
 Scrap Kit: Whimsical Wishes by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask: Mask_DFly_0012 by Vivienne's Paintbox