Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

This morning while we were watching the news, our wackadoodle president decided to hold a press conference on the White House lawn. Normally, I turn off those rambling tirades of his to save my sanity.  Today, since my husband was home, we left the press conference on wondering what he was going to say about the issue of background checks for purchasing firearms. If you are not up to date on Trump's latest stance, no worries, he's all over the board on it. It changes from moment to moment.  Anyway, we listened with one ear and discussed other things while Trump rambled on and on and on… 

Until we heard him say, "I am the chosen one". We immediately broke out in surprised laughter.  No matter what your political affiliation, I can't imagine anyone not laughing over Trump saying "I am the chosen one" and pausing for effect to look up at the sky with raised hands.  A true actor to the core. Welcome to our reality tv White House.  I actually thought the sky would part and a ray of sunshine would cover the man. 

The absurdity of the statement literally changed my mood of the day. Usually, titles of "chosen one" refer to religious figures or at the very least a Star Wars Jedi. Umm…sorry…I know Trump doesn't qualify as a "chosen one" on either level.  To be honest, he doesn't even qualify to be President.  But that's another story.

Cheers to a great day!🍷

Current Mood: 😎