Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Be My Valentine!

Canvas Size 750 x 750 
72 Resolution
Transparency Checked
FTU Cluster Frame by Carol Mc
FTU Scrap Kit "In the Pink" by  Mizteeques
FTU "Be My Valentine" Sticker
Tube #61 by ©Anna Liwang
Tube available at "Creative Design Outlet"
Xero Filter Used - "Porcelain"

This was a very simple and easy tag to create. Either that, or I'm getting better! LOL! Doubt it, still have lots to learn. Working on a new blog background for Valentine's Day, which is not as easy as it looks.  Thankfully, its making me remember HTML and CSS...things I totally forgot since I gave up my website years ago.  Its a challenge, but I relish it and even the frustration of trying to get it all to come together makes it worthwhile.  Its a time eater, sometimes I can't believe how fast time flies by when I'm absorbed in trying to work out scraps and matching colors, jewels ...etc.  I look up and realize its after 11 and a work night. Time to put it all away until I get a chance tomorrow.