Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!!!

Wishing everyone a very blessed and safe Easter Sunday!

We spent it watching Easter Mass on television from St. Simon and St. Jude Catholic Church in Phoenix, Az.  It will be a quiet celebration, with dinner late since my girls are working (essential employees).

Please be safe everyone! This nightmare is not over.  I am afraid we will be encouraging another wave of sickness if we stop social distancing.  Prognosis is terrible right now and in the state of Arizona, we are not predicted to peak for another two weeks!

Pray for the world....🙏✝

Tube: "Spring Fantasy2" by ©Alex Prihodko
Scrap Kit: Spring Fantasy by Doodle by Design
Mask: FRg_Masqyes2_M2 by Fran
Background Tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox