Sunday, April 19, 2020

Ginger Zero

Hope everyone is well and keeping safe! We are all doing fine, although hubby is driving my girls crazy with the social distancing within the house.  We manage to survive it, with a bit of frustration. I have been housebound now for 7 weeks...gah! I have another doctor appointment in May, along with an appointment to take my car in for servicing. I am really looking forward to driving...sheesh...sound desperate! 😂

My husband is retiring on May 8th...finally bit the bullet after procrastinating for so long.  I guess I will get control of my laptop back so I can do resume creating. (Signals my muse to come out of hiding!!)

Of course, no travel plans in sight...and I did so want to visit my sister this summer. I will have to forego that trip until there is a vaccine...I really don't want to fly anywhere right now.  Hubby said we might be able to drive...but he always say's "we" and it usually becomes "me".  I don't think its a good time to go anywhere. I am also worried about my youngest Ashley.  She has booked a trip to New York in October.  I am hoping she will get to go, but also worried.  We are watching Governor Cuomo's press briefings since he is 100 times more honest than our lying wackadoodle president.

I have been bingeing on Netflix and Westworld and The Plot Against America! I never read the book, but now I am interested.  Phillip Roth is a great writer...don't know how I missed this one, having read most of his other books.  If you have HBO, give the series a look...the book was adapted to the screen by David Simon, the same producer of "The Wire", another great HBO series. Westworld is much more exciting this year than far I think I have re-watched the released episodes of Season 3 a few dozen times.

I am waiting on more pictures of the puppies.  I really want some close up's of the females. I know I can't pick one out yet as the breeder has first choice..but I would like to see their faces!! So excited and looking forward to when my puppy will be coming home.  I have a potential list of names available to try out...silly I know. 

Love steampunk....this tag was created using one of Barbara Jensen's tubes.. She is amazing with detail!!

Cheers!! 🍷

Tube: "Ginger Zero" by ©Barbara Jensen
Scrap Kit: Vintage or Steam by Bella Carabena
Mask: Mask_Vivienne_0064 by Vivienne's Paintbox
Background Tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox