Friday, March 27, 2020

Steam Fantasy

Worried about everyone out there. Be safe, try to stay home when possible. Things are getting out of control, what's going on in New York reflects the state of the rest of the country in a few weeks.  I am praying that there is an end to this nightmare.  I am praying for my family, friends...everyone who has been affected by this pandemic. 

Hubby is working from home, so I don't have as much access to my computer to post my creations. I am trying to keep strong...heck I am from New York...we are made of tough stuff...but I do break into fits of crying and anger. I feel more isolated than ever.

Whenever hubby has to go into work, I get online to get bills paid, meat orders...sad I have to resort to ordering meat/seafood online. I am lucky to have my girls, God bless them both, who manage to get most things we need, but meat is an elusive item. Pasta, rice, beans...the basic staples are never on the is damn scary.  I am trying to get used to this new way of life...its very hard for me. This is the greatest country in the world! We shouldn't be struggling to get through each day. 

UGH...I have never hated anyone in my life...but I do now...God forgive me. 

Tube: "Steampunk_32" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: "Steam Fantasy" by Bella CaribeƱa
Mask: Mask_311 by Mizteeques Digital Designs
Background Tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox