Friday, March 6, 2020
Fairy Glen
I've been ill the last week. I'm still under the weather...guess when you get old, the body takes longer to heal. Too afraid to go to Urgent Care with all this coronavirus...they would only tell me to stay home anyway. Thank the Lord I am on antibiotics for kidney problems...they have helped with my slower than molasses recovery.
I have a doctor's appointment on March 16th, just keeping fingers crossed I am well by then. I have been told if you have a cough your appointment will be cancelled and rescheduled. GAH!
Stay well folks!
Tube: "Fairy_2" by ©VeryMany
Scrap Kit: "Forest Fairy" by Pink Paradox Productions
Mask: Mask_Vivienne_0067png version by Vivienne's Paintbox
Background Tutorial by Vivienne's Paintbox