Saturday, February 22, 2020
Gorgeous steampunk! Just love Barbara's tubes even if they are a bit risqué.❤
I have been slacking off in my creations. It's been a rough few months for me. I am beginning to pull my granny panties up a bit higher and toughing it out. Yes, I grit my teeth alot. At my age, my dentist said I need to stop doing that...too much pressure on my teeth.
There are times I still drop back into a depressive state, but the episodes are getting fewer and far between. The prospect of getting a new puppy has helped tremendously. Something to look forward to has made me smile more. I also started walking again...feels good to get out and the fresh air helps too! Still, I find it very hard to create anything when I am down. Quite a number of things that I enjoyed doing have also been put aside. Sometimes it's hard to even get up in the morning. 😔
My dark moods are a combination of many things. Number one was the loss of my has been very hard on my spirit to go through a day without her. The number two cause, (moving rapidly back to number one) is the situation this country has gotten itself into since the 2016 election. Most days I wake up screaming at the news. I am pretty positive this stress has caused my hypertensive state. I have been told I shouldn't watch the news (believe me I have cut down quite a bit), but dear lord...I can't take a passive seat...I need to be informed. It is scary out there, especially on social media, which is another medium I have effectively limited my time on. The negativity slaps you in the face with each swipe of your finger. It saddens me to see friends skewer each other over politics, best to stay clear and try to inject some positive vibes into the day.
So.....I got my ballot yesterday. Normally, its filled out and ready to be mailed the very next day. This year I am holding onto it for awhile. I am, at this point in time, very undecided. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut strong candidate. Add Russia interfering in even the primary, maybe my darkest fears are well founded. These are the weakest selection of candidates I have ever seen since I started voting. My first year of voting was in 1972...and I was an avid...ummm...well...never mind.
I don't think any of them can save this country from our wackadoodle president. I am looking at four more years of everyday insanity. Heaven forbid...praying for divine intervention. (Pleaseee dear lord...we may not survive as a republic with this idiot...)
Almost forgot...what is with these debates??? Why so many??? It just fuels the opposition and serves no purpose in helping me make a decision. Just "shit shows" with everyone screaming at each other. I think Tom Perez should step down, he is just making a mess of everything.
Ok...maybe I should go take xanax and chill for a bit before I start watching the Nevada caucus coverage. Wonder if that's a good thing to be doing on a rainy Saturday afternoon? 🤔
Tube: "Modesty" by ©Barbara Jensen
Scrap Kit: "Believe in Steampunk" by Bella Caribena