Saturday, February 8, 2020

Caramel Heart

I always get amused by Valentine's Day. A day set aside to show love and appreciation for a significant other. I like to think we do this more than just one day during the entire year. Showing love shouldn't be confined to a time limit. 

I have a few ideas about how we can all show love the whole year round.  I am pretty sure one of these ideas will put a smile on someone's face and make them feel as special as they are. Just try to incorporate it in our everyday lives and not just on Valentine's Day.

The easiest one is to cook a special meal for the family or a loved one and share it with them! Nothing speaks love like a home cooked meal. Sharing the meal brings a family closer.  I love it when my girls are in the kitchen while good food is cooking and then enjoying the meal where everyone is present at the table.

Give someone a hug! Hugs are free and very easy to give away.  They make someone feel special and they also feel good to the giver as well. Bet it makes you smile!!!

Send a note or text to brighten someone's day!  Everyone enjoys a simple "good morning", "love you" or "how are you?" sent spontaneously! You can feel their smile from miles away. I like to surprise hubby this way.  Texting is also a great way to reconnect with an old friend. Declare me guilty...staying in touch is hard sometimes. It's one of the reasons I make the effort to say "good morning" each day on Facebook. Not exactly a text, but I find it's a  way to reach out to friends not on my cell phone. Anyway...I hope it makes someone smile!  😎

Of course...genuine compliments will never, ever fail. Next time you’re admiring someone’s brilliant style, let him/her know!

Cheers! 🍷

Current Mood: 😎

Tube: "Caramel Heart" by ©Verymany
Scrap Kit: "Abbey's Chocolate Valentine" by Tiny Turtle Designs
Mask: Mask_Viv_0055 by Vivienne's Paintbox

FTU Cluster by JaniUK1