Sunday, September 25, 2016


Allergies have gotten the best of me this past week. Scheduled a visit to my doctor for some allergy medication since the over the counter stuff was not working anymore. Flonase is my preferred choice, but that crapped out.  I needed something that would clear up my allergies and help me sleep without waking up groggy as hell.  My exam was not the high point of my day because OMG! I gained 10 pounds back!!!! I swear the doctor's scale had to be off, by 10 pounds!!! Talk about being bummed out...can't breath and feeling fat again. (Insert deep sigh here.) She determined my weight gain was from stopping the medication that sped up my metabolism, so back on it I went. My brain will never shut down now. Officially, lungs were clear, but oxygen level was down 10 from last visit.HUH? Okkkk....allergies aside, she was more worried about my pulse rate being 110...and by the way, did I run to her office? Uhhh...nope!  Not sleeping or breathing well can do that to you, don't you think? She also did not like my A1c results of 6.0. Neither did I, but it's not in the danger range.  Anyway, by the time she renewed all my medications the bill at the pharmacy went over $200 and that is with insurance discounting. What the hell?  I still say the pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies are in bed together. That's my story and I am sticking to it!

The only "good thing" for me about being sleep deprived was I played with graphics long into the night hoping it would make me sleepy by relaxing my mind completely.  Usually it works, just about 3 hours before I have to get up for work. So here's another Halloween tag which I worked on a little at a time each night.  Ok, I'm still not up to speed on creating these as quick as others do, but I am stubborn and determined!   

Frame:  Pink Paradox Productions "Golden Autumn"
Tube:  VeryMany Tubes "Witch3"

Now that this tag is finished, another one has started to form in my mind.  I do want to create a few timelines as well.  First off,  I must stalk some of my favorite blogs for ideas. Oh and eventually, I do want to redo my blog, especially for christmas. Putting a lot of "things to do" on my list might keep me up again at night.