Friday, September 16, 2016

Jeepers Creepers

My first 2016 Halloween tag! This cluster frame was created from a kit by Inzpired Creationz called "Enchantment".  Credit for the cluster goes to "Chilipepper Spiced". I added to the cluster from a minikit by Crazy Carita in 2012 called "Spooky Night", originally for a Barbara Jensen tube. This kit is no longer available for purchase. If interested, I can offer it as a "freebie" only. Leave me message so I can email the kit to you.

The mask is by Vix and I just reconnected with her blog. I read she is back and I am hoping for more of her fabulous creations.  She was the first graphic artist that inspired me to start doing these tags back in 2009.  Glad to have her back in the tagging world again!! 

I am still working on more creations. They do take time and for some odd reason lately, my internet is dragging.  I was asked in Facebook what program I use to create my tags.  I use Coral Paint Shop Pro X6.  I still use the old Animation Shop which I still enjoy and regret its not available anymore. Believe it or not, it used to be a free animation program! 

Enough about me for tonight. Take care and enjoy the weekend ahead!!