Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Halloween Time

It was another insane day. Hopefully, this will all end soon and things will get back to normal.  Well, as normal as it gets. I haven't been up to watching political shows, so I settle on a movie and sip some wine.  Tonight I played with graphics and kept looking over my laptop at the movie...which probably explains why I can't remember exactly what I did, but it sure turned out nice enough to share. The wine didn't assist my memory either. :)

Frame: Scrap kit by ASB Designs "Double Trouble"  
Tube: VeryMany Tubes  "Witch2".  

Enjoying the wonderful creations that Kisses N Dreams displayed today.  I wish I could do tags like those. I am proud of my own little creations, I am just always striving to do better.

Good Night! Tips my hat!