Thursday, November 12, 2020

Time for Magic

 “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”  ― Roald Dahl

I had my six month check up this week and so far..."knock on wood"...  I am doing alright. However, she did change my meds as Northwest Allied has a new(?) drug policy and two of my needed refill prescriptions fell into the changed guidelines. Ummmm...What? I wonder if this policy is everywhere else in Tucson, because I love my doctor, but don't like being limited to what meds I can take. 

So now I can't get refills on Xanax or Tylenol 3. Hmmmm....have to take Citalopram instead and chug down 4 to 6 Aleve's as well. WTF?

One thing I liked about Xanax was I could take it as needed for anxiety. This new drug Citalopram, has to be taken every day and its classified as an antidepressant. UGH! 

As for Tylenol 3, I only take it if I have extreme pain in my hands, neck and knees which occurs more often during cold days. Usually, I get by on 2 Aleve pills daily to reduce moderate stiffness and pain.  Her solution is to continue taking the Aleve, but at higher doses on severe pain days, 4 to 6 pills as needed. 🙄 So its ok for me to possibly get stomach bleeding problems taking almost triple doses of Aleve, as opposed to just taking one or two Tylenol 3 pills for the pain. What kind of medical plan is that?  

On the bright side, my daughter provided a sample of ...ummm...a very effective cream. I won't say what's in it, but it works really great. So, perhaps I won't need the Tylenol 3 or any narcotic, if it continues to provide much needed relief.

Still, I would like to know if Tucson is on lockdown for Xanax and Tylenol 3 prescriptions or can I hope there are other PCP's out there than can prescribe these drugs?  If I have to change physicians, I will. I have been using these drugs for years...always as needed. Never abused using them because they do have kicker side effects that I don't like to experience. 

Life is frustrating enough with Covid-19 without having to also live with anxiety, stress and arthritic pain. This just sucks big blue balls. 🤬

Ok rant over...cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: "Strange Magic" by Pink Paradox Productions