Saturday, June 6, 2020

In The Moment

It's been a long, long week...feels like a month actually.  With all the violence, protests and chaos going on every day, stress and anxiety is high. Our state has experienced a spike in COVID-19 cases and an increase in deaths due to the stay at home lock down being revoked. I am continuing to stay at home with only weekly drives to Walmart to pick up groceries. This is my new just feels very odd not to just go anywhere at anytime.  Hubby and I miss dining out!

My Heidi has now turned 9 weeks old and is really doing well with housebreaking. She still uses the puppy pads at night, which is understandable since her bladder is small and can't hold it for more than a few hours at a time. She has a schedule which is really helping her with timing her bowel movements.  So far, she hasn't had any poop accidents...progress!! 

While I haven't had a chance to create a new is one I did last month.  Beautiful tube by Barbara the kit with all its beautiful floral arrangements! 


Scrap Kit: "Waiting For You" by Bella Carbena