Sunday, June 28, 2020

Floral Embrace

Gorgeous tube by Verymany. Just love steampunk! I did this one with a twist, a more victorian vintage look. Trying to get more time to work on tags...most of my days are filled with chores, puppy training and cooking. When I get a break, I try to catch a nap or watch a movie (impossible with a growing puppy). I do find I have lost my personal now includes a very inquisitive little darling. 

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: "Floral Goddess" by Pink Paradox Productions

Friday, June 19, 2020


Another freebie from Barbara Jensen, along with a cute scrap kit! I enjoyed playing around in Paintshop for a little bit. I find my days really taken up with puppy training, feeding, playing and keeping up with a very active Heidi. Needless to say, I am very happy to have another buddy to hang around with.  The free time is short, so I followed a tutorial, but gave the tube my own look.  

Hopefully, Heidi will allow me more free time to get back to creating tags.  Right now my relaxation is a glass of wine and a movie!

Cheers! 🍷

Scrap Kit: "Just A Note" by Barbara Jensen Designs

Friday, June 12, 2020


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Scrap Kit: Miz_Wish by Mizteeques

Saturday, June 6, 2020

In The Moment

It's been a long, long week...feels like a month actually.  With all the violence, protests and chaos going on every day, stress and anxiety is high. Our state has experienced a spike in COVID-19 cases and an increase in deaths due to the stay at home lock down being revoked. I am continuing to stay at home with only weekly drives to Walmart to pick up groceries. This is my new just feels very odd not to just go anywhere at anytime.  Hubby and I miss dining out!

My Heidi has now turned 9 weeks old and is really doing well with housebreaking. She still uses the puppy pads at night, which is understandable since her bladder is small and can't hold it for more than a few hours at a time. She has a schedule which is really helping her with timing her bowel movements.  So far, she hasn't had any poop accidents...progress!! 

While I haven't had a chance to create a new is one I did last month.  Beautiful tube by Barbara the kit with all its beautiful floral arrangements! 


Scrap Kit: "Waiting For You" by Bella Carbena

Monday, June 1, 2020

Yellow Girl

Meet "Heidi"...the newest member of our family.  She is adjusting well to her new surroundings and seems to be quite happy.  She greets everyone now with a wiggle and a wag. 

On Saturday I finally got to view the 4 female puppies left, after the breeder picked hers.  I had originally liked the purple girl...but also picked two others in case purple wasn't available. Of course, purple was taken by the breeder...(guess I have a good eye after all).  After watching the 4 remaining puppies interact with each other, I stepped into the pen.  Immediately, yellow came running and whimpering up to me, sitting up and pawing my how could I resist those eyes?  The others seemed more content to play with each other.  I picked her up and got acquainted. 

The breeder told me she was a bit shy (really? she came over to me with confidence), quiet and submissive. I will take her assessments with a grain of salt. Her color is black and tan and she will most likely resemble her mother.  There were only two females that were black and tan, purple and yellow.  The rest were black and red. I had my heart set on black and tan colors with a laid back attitude, so I told the breeder I would take "yellow girl".  

On the ride home she was extremely quiet, but settled into the car just fine.  We actually managed to share a burger for lunch! First night she didn't cry or whimper, but she also didn't want to be away from me for very long. She likes my She goes to her own bed when she's nervous or she should...its her "safe spot". 

So far, she has been quite good for an 8 week old puppy.  She is getting the idea about going outside..or maybe its because I take her out a lot!!  Being young, she does tinkle quite a bit.  She's brave tho, holding it until she feels the grass under her feet. 

She wobbles and falls down, runs with a cute little puppy stride..she is still growing and her legs give out easily. Navigating the drop from  the porch to the yard has been a challenge she accepted and achieves, unless she is tired. Then she looks up to me for assistance. 🐾

It's going to be a long, interesting summer with lots of things to learn and do! 

Cheers! 🍷