Sunday, March 10, 2019

Season of Lent

Sparkling Waves
It's March 10th, the first Sunday of the Season of Lent.  I was listening to our priest talk about what Lent means and how we should go about fulfilling our fast.  He spoke about the three pillars of Lent, prayer, fasting and giving. Giving up something for Lent is a form of fasting.  He encouraged us to  deprive ourselves of some small pleasure or indulgence and offer that "sacrifice" up to our Lord.

I remember as a child giving up a variety of candy, mostly chocolate, with a reward in mind...that on Easter Sunday I would get back all that candy in my basket.  Simple thinking of a child. What was really true, in our family, candy was a treat! It wasn't so easy back then, as it is today, to buy myself a candybar.  We were on a very tight budget...ok, so we were poor. Money for candy usually came from me, my brothers and sister, anywhere from a nickel to a quarter.

I must admit it has been a long time since I thought about giving up anything for any period of time. I need to settle on a choice, and of course, chocolate isn't one of them, being pre-diabetic.  I already limit my intake as it is. Nope, that just won't count as a sacrifice.

So back to my predicament...what do I give up? I have been thinking, rather than giving up an item of material value, maybe it should be something entirely the opposite. How about adding a new habit or routine that brings relative peace to my life?  Obviously, controlling myself for only 40 days doesn't quite make the grade...or why do it at all? I am going to try...I am sure I will have some lapses, but given time, the habit will become second nature. ❤