Tuesday, February 12, 2019

All I Need

All I Need
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you.... ~Mike & The Mechanics

This is going to be one of those weeks that I spend traveling to Tucson, back and forth.  I do so hate making the trip.  Monday was spent grocery shopping. Wednesday is my 6 month check up and some quiet time getting my hair colored (got to get that gray out). Friday is Hannah's turn to have her hair done. Saturday hubby and I plan on celebrating Valentine's Day with dinner at Sullivan's.  ❤

My lab results just arrived in my inbox and I am not thrilled with the findings. It's always something when you get older....😐

Tube: Gaby by ©Alex Prihodko
Scrap Kit: Stormy by Chaos Priestess
Mask:  Mask_DFly_0018