Monday, April 16, 2018

Blushing Bad Girl

Blushing Bad Girl
Designed by ©A Touch of Lacie
All Rights Reserved
PTU Tube "Romantic Date" by Alex Prihodko
PTU Scrap Kit "Blushing Bad Girl" by Pink Paradox Productions
FTU Mask_Viv_0041 by Dragonfly 
Tutorial Used "Romantic Date" by Dragonfly

Loved this tube and just had to try the tutorial. One of my favorite artists, Alex Prihodko,  has expanded and is now showing at VeryMany Tubes.  Two  favorite artists in one spot on the web. 

Was disheartened to hear from Facebook that I was one of the 87 million who were data mined by Cambridge Analytics during the 2016 election.  It has soured me on posting very much on Facebook. Then, out of the blue, a friend of a friend asked to be connected and it turns out she wants me to watch her on cam.  I am really aggravated about this and will now cut off friend requests and third party apps.  Sad world we are living in these days.

On a brighter note...its Monday...another week to enjoy life.  Tips my hat....