Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Touch of Sage

Touch of Sage
Designed by ©A Touch of Lacie
All Rights Reserved

PTU Tube "Fog" by ©Kajenna
PTU Scrap Kit "Touch of Sage" by AmyMarie
FTU Mask_DFly_0012 by Dragonfly

Weather took an abrupt turn to windy and cooler temperatures. I feel it in my bones.  Hoping my newly planted flowers survive!!  

Feeling sore from my trip to Tucson, so taking it easy today.  I think Hannah suspects my aching as she hasn't left my side for more than a few minutes.  Listening to the news is depressing...I have no idea why I even bother. Seems everyday another scandal...or problem...or behavior...sometimes I just want to scream. (Oh wait, I do scream at the tv...nevermind.😐)

In my spare time (who has any these days???) I am going to try writing again. I said "try"...not sure I will succeed as my muse is tuned into creating pictures.